ofc :3
Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection
Dosent matteree they overnerf the su30. If your listed bugs geting fix the fm still useless.
how much countermeasures can Su-35S carry? is it still classified? I can’t find any close-up photos of the tail boom to count.
Looks like 6 dispenser, same kind on the Su-34 and Su-30SM (inaccurately modeled in game atm). So 98 LCM?
Actually looking at it more, it’s probably 84. 1 dispenser = 14, for 6 dispenser
You can see each individual pods on the Su-34
This is the location on early aircraft…
Later, the two upper end blocks were moved from above to the lower part of the tail boom…
yo guys, do you think theres any chance we will get an SM3 with the extra pylons and 77-1s?
That exactly pylons? IIRC it still same Su-27 airframe
This year? Absolutely, maybe in an update or two. However i’d like them to give us at least one mig29, I’m kinda tired of flankers lol
i personally dont think some, it is to similar to the Su-35 as far as i know the unly difference between the two is the radar (not sure, so correct me if iam wrong), the Su-35 gets the Irbis and the SM3 still has the normal flanker radar afaik
we might see it as a premium in a year or so tho
Radar, countermeasures, engines, thrust vectoring, weight, some weaponry, etc etc. 27SM3 and 30SM2 are what we should have now for 🇷🇺 to be kinda competitive against 15E, EF2K and Rafale
We must pressure for this and for the 30SM2 🙏
So, still 84?
Good luck with that, haha
The Su-27SM3 would only get two more hard points than the SM so probably a premium or event or the Su-27P
The only issue regarding sm3 would be Its radar…
Next premium is probably something in the 12.7 range though, unless they want to add another arh premium like the viggen