Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

The thin air reduces lift, the Su-30 has canards additional lifting surfaces and TVC

it can

TVC yes but the new mode isn’t TVC it’s removing the limiter

You can’t use the new limiter removing thing at Mach speeds you have to be slow and slow at high alt is death sentence.

Is statshark using the updated figures for the Su-30SM’s flight model?

ahaha I was once again convinced that FM is full of shit


Good bug report? Did I make any mistakes?
Су-30СМ неверная индикация ИЛС // // Issues

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The Su-30SM of the Republic of Belarus still have different software and their display is slightly different.

I guess the recent buff made it no slouch, I thought I was gonna have an easy win here

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And now that Su-30 gets slammed by everyone on your team as they wait to recover for like 10 seconds.


can you check if the new “maneuver mode” mechanic issue also affects the Rafale?

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Ok. I’m removing the Belarus Su-30SM HUD from the bug report.

Su-30SM2 is not Su-30SM

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they changed how the IRST is displayed in the HUD so you can see targets alot easier



you can add this report to the list

Is there a reason why the limit is around 7km. Tho for detection? Is that accurate? I couldve sworn IRST had much larger range previously. Now, i cant even use R-27ET’s beyond 7km either.

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afaik the su30 has copy pasted values for the IRST from the mig-29,
it should be a placeholder,

if not you guys can help me finding data on the OLS-30 to help on a bug report

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a bug report on the missing yaw authority of the su30sm tvc

@unluckyg could you add this one to the list as well?


@ron_2303 updated list <3

I should emphasize that people here should pay attention to the bug report related to the new “maneuver mode” mechanic and its problems, If this problem gets fixed, it will greatly improve when it comes to aiming or making small adjustments to hit targets with the maneuver mode on.

Currently, most of the plane’s controls, when this mode is activated, are restricted to the horizontal elevators and rudders with little or no action from the wing flaps/ailerons (unless you make a really hard turn). Changing this to a more “normal” behavior (like normal mouse aim controls, where the entire surface of the plane is used to aim - horizontal stabilizers, rudders and wing flaps/ailerons -) would be beneficial for everyone.


Can you add and this report Community Bug Reporting System

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