Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

What message?

ofc it can, gaijin just needs to fix the flanker’s FM definitely, instead of giving small increments from time to time, everyone knows what is missing, they just dont want to fix it, the same goes for the fulcrum


What makes the Kh-59M worse?

Seeker from Kh-29T. But much heavier and bigger, less count and more flight performance penalty. Slow because of turbine engine. IRL it has Man In The loop and datalink, but it is not implemented in game.


The only ingame use I see - Anti ship missile in ASB.

It have much bigger range what is very good thing for sim.

You just cannot lock targets at such distances, except ASB ships.

I think that stationary targets you can lock if I remember correctly.

I might be a little of a doomer. But it don’t help that you cant trust Gaijin… Also Su-30sm has only receive nerf. The big one imo its the one that induce bounce of the nose in the contrary side of the one you’re pulling. That its unrealistic. Never has see a Su-30/Su-37/Su-35 done that. Ill said again. There are videos of the Su-37 post 1998. When they change the TVC engine for regular Al-31 that perform better than the Current Su-30sm in game. It also has the wrong Oswald numbers. That took gaijin 1 years to change on Su-27sm. I guess little by little They will buff it right?

meanwhile a certain Canard plane in game just receive the “Cobra Button”. A plane that should never get it. Because if it pull more AoA that the limiter permit it induce uncontrollable nose move. AKA falling of the sky.


Recieved an AOA button that can only be used under mach .05
an increased chance of wing stalling with high AOA
an increased chance of wings ripping with G overload lowered
a nerf within the supersonic regime for acceleration
a nerf to how far elevators can deflect at speed and various altitudes

and still a half working Radar.

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gaijin will always want to farm euro/dollar, this is nothing new, the point is that at least we are getting some attention, I got 7000 kills with a bad mig29, so for me seeing the flanker getting attention is already something new


There was no acceleration Changes in the datamine?!?

i think he was talking about the changes for the rafale or the ef? idk

  • Eurofighter [DEU], F-2000A, Typhoon F.G.R. Mk. 4:
  • added maneuverability mode
    • will begin working from below 720-700 km/h IAS or M0.51-M0.5
  • wing adjustments:
    • made much more prone to wing stalls when at high AoA (loss of Cl in a spin 0.03 → 0.2, loss of Cd in a spin 0.07 → 0.08)
    • moment arm shifts by AoA adjusted:
      • will now be shifted further in at 0 degrees AoA (0.015->0.02), reducing pitching moment close to 0 degrees AoA
      • 10 degrees AoA shift changed to 15 degrees AoA, will just extend it out a bit with the same moment arm shift at that point as it was at 10 degrees AoA previously
      • 25 degrees AoA shift changed to 35 degrees AoA and adjusted to instead shift in versus shift out (-0.01 → 0.12), reducing pitching moment past 15 degrees AoA
    • wing, 0% flap deployment:
    • induced drag Mach multiplier curve linear coefficient increased from 0.2 to 0.4
      • will mean slightly reduced induced drag from M0.25 to M0.65, but increased past M0.65, increasing and decreasing retention and sustained turn rates in those respective regions (comparison )
    • moment arm will now shift slightly in from M0.3 ([0, 0] → [0, 0.01]), continuing as normal from M0.6 as previously, very slightly reducing pitching moment
  • wing, 100% flap deployment:
    • induced drag Mach multiplier curve linear coefficient increased from 0.2 to 0.4
      • will mean slightly reduced induced drag from M0.25 to M0.65, but increased past M0.65, increasing and decreasing retention and sustained turn rates in those respective regions (comparison)
    • moment arm will now shift slightly in from M0.3 ([0, 0] → [0, 0.005]), continuing as normal from M0.6 as previously, very slightly reducing pitching moment
  • wing positive overload strength reduced by 1 G ([-6.88 G / 13.93 G] → [-6.88 G / 12.97 G])
    • note that this is a bit off at speed as the canard can contribute lift in a turn, increasing the G force past what only the wing can generate
  • elevator angles controller adjustments:
  • will overall deflect less from 1000+ km/h at 10000 m
  • will overall deflect less from 400+ km/h at 6000 m
  • will overall deflect less from 700+ km/h at and below 2000 m
  • decreased sensitivity multiplier at M0.2, reducing pitch moment and surface effectiveness (1.39 → 1.1)
    • will be the same past M0.3, only really reducing how sharply it pitches from static until M0.2

This means Typhoon will have more drag as it tries to get to those release speeds for BVR
Means the Typhoon will not be able to defend as well as it currently does
Means the Typhoon will be more unstable and will rip the wings easier than it already does.
Su-30SM will not be that far off the Typhoon in terms of performance and with TVC it will be able to defend as well at higher altitudes.

Despite this I hope they have spent as much time fixing the damn Radar.

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but let’s be honest here, when it comes to pure fm, the EF was literally a UFO, it could sustain 16gs or more and pull harder than anything at any speed and it didn’t lose much speed while doing it either

but this is for the EF topic, lets try to talk about only the su30 here D:


I dont disagree with you but so many other jets are UFOs.
As long as they have fixed the Typhoons Radar the changes dont bother me.

Sadly as the F-15 hasnt receieved any nerfs it will likely be the true BVR truck again

It was in response to the doom and gloom of the Su-30 guy.
By reducing the capabilities of rival airframes Rafale has also had changes and the Typhoon the Su-30 will be in a pretty good spot! :)

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it will be something like this for bvr rn
f15e (fast boat with good radar and good missiles)
ef (it will depend if this thing radar gets fixed, if that happens i think it will be better than the f15e)
su30 (more missiles and with the r77-1 that has more range it will help since the su30sm is “slow”)
j11b (less missiles but it is faster than any other flanker and i think they still didnt fix the new radar too)
and rafale (cause micas are short range)

Su35S next update probably haha, hope China gets it too )))

Thats Christmas with the F-15EX

Having only 6 120s hurts the Typhoon.

It’s likely going to exist between long and medium range.
That’s currently Rafales territory

Yes R-77-1 is interesting seems to have good range need to see how good it is in the medium to short range.