it has been like this since the addition of the fulcrum lmao, thing is, probably the 29 is accurate, the issue is that most western aircraft aren’t, thus making the 29 appear weak
Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection
Idk if the 29 needs changes but most western jets definitely need…
That’s why I’ve been pushing for the AL-41. If US mains can complain to get their way, why can’t I?
In exchange I suppose most of the early to mid cold-war airframes are UFO’s haha
Well the situation there for the 229’s was a bit different, the US mains were complaing that the Israeli one got the better engines while the American one did not, despite it being modelled after the F15E from the time where it would have those better engines. On top of that difference there’s also the AL41’s being the pinnacle of Russian engine design to reach production in any meaningful amount, personally I believe those engines should be saved for the later SM2 modification of the Su30 and the Su35S/57 who only used those later model engines.
Are the differences between the SM and SM2 even significant enough to be completely separate aircraft in the game? Tbh the better engines should have been a researchable module if the airframe could recieve them as an update IRL. As it stands, they continue adding weight to the model instead which is peculiar.
R-74M probably
I would say so, updated avionics and the most modern of weaponry would constitute it. That and the Su30SM2 is Russia’s definitive “multirole” aircraft, and most modern interation of it
The only big thing that matters for WT is the Irbis Radar, but all ESA radars are in a nerfed state from the get go anyways because Gaijin can’t properly model it until everyone gets one.
Avionics that matters irl like ILS, Navigation, etc doesn’t matter in game. As for weaponry, there’s multiple aircraft that can carry modern weaponry but can’t ingame because of balance, and that’s totally fine
The upgrade was for the SM2 to use as many component as posible of the Su-35s. IRBIS its more powerful so you need engine that produce more power and its a lot more powerful it work at 10kw with 20ish kw peak. (These are some GaN numbers). Its also Lighter than BARs that weight 650k. From a old vid posted here. Early SM2 are just SM with more ground attack weapons. Because AL-41F1S fan diameter is 3% larger than the baseline AL-31 increasing from 905 mm to 932 mm. It was being tested. idk the date of the video is But it shouldn’t be a problem now because Russia have 177c engine that was show on Zhuhai. That engine produce same thrust as AL-41 but with Al-31 dimension so it can be use on all AL-31 aircraft. It have lower fuel consumption and more life time 2000vs 6000. Unless IT was just a prototype engine that isn’t ready for production. WHO KNOWs.
What its funny. At some point Su-35s was cheaper to made than Su-30sm. 27m to 30m. Because of the western component on Su-30sm.
Anyone know if su35s has maws or is that a su57 only thing
Actually when I think about it, I wonder if Gaijin can magically find a late production variant with an 31F-M1 fitted. That would be good enough even without resorting to the AL-41
It has
If you look at the picture you gonna see the “spikes” on the tail, those are the housing for maw sensors
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Su-35 can’t come soon enough.
so the new Ka-band antenna in the back of the stinger works like the EFTs sensorfusion RWR?
I have read it have sensor fusion. After all Su-35 use the same system early T-50 use.
If you want to read thing about Su-35s The Su-35 could revive Iran’s Air Force Go to comment section and read the thing that “Aviator” has write.
Idk who its that guy. But he always appear commenting a lot of stuff In different Forum/webs.
It’s actually painful to see (in game wise tbf) how even adding Su-35 would probably not change meta much anyways, but that’s just me speculating