Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

it also gets the limiter off key, but ofc is not same as the su30 with tvc but all sukhois got that, the chinese ones too and the f18

Oh yeah, of course it’s not the same without TVC and canards, but even the base Flankers should be at the top of the list in terms of supermaneuverability. Finally having access to that is a big boon to the Su-27s and J-11s.


Thrust Vector ON?

The main problem is that the Flanker lacks its high-alpha capability in WT, especially at slower speeds. You have funny situations such as F-15 beating the Su-27 in a one-circle.


The horizontal tailplane is not seamlessly connected to the fuselage.

That’s kinda what I’m getting at, and hoping the new switch will finally get us past this.

Although I can’t speak to this experience, I’ve never had an Eagle beat my Flanker in a 1C, and can only recall one instance I won that 1C fight with the Eagle against a much weaker pilot. According to statshark, the Su-27 does outperform the F-15 at medium to low speeds, but the Eagle has a much snappier turn at high speeds, which is closer to what I experience in game.

It’s mainly the F-15A that is very wack, I’m 99% sure it is overperforming, it doesn’t even feel like the same airframe when you compare it to how the F-15C flies.


yep bug

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KH-59s where found hopefully they will replace the kh-38s

Whoever made the 3D model really spent like zero effort researching lol


The Kh59s in the files are radar anti-ship missiles, so not replacing anything

F16s also seem to pull too much aoa, even the C


F-16 AOA limit is supposed to be 25.5 degrees, that is because past that the F-16 physically cannot sustain level flight. In WT you can pull up to 40+ degrees without much issue and recover easily.



I Hope they fix these inaccuracies one day, it’ll never be perfect but it can be better… I know DCS isn’t the best example of realism but at least there it’s possible to face any 4th gen with any 4th gen if you know how to use your plane properly, imagine being able to defeat the f16 with a mig29 in 1C…


The FM I want to see change is the MiG-29, it deserves a better one imo.


I just looked at statshark and holy shit you’re right, the F-16C beats the MiG-29 9.13 in a 1C. Insane. What is GJN’s problem with Russian Gen 4 flight models?? Good grief.


made the bug report on the hud not showing the selected weapon
@unluckyg you can add this one to the list


oh, how wonderful, thanks for the work man, I’ll update the list and put this one there too

updated list

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