Mach speed is variable with altitude
Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection
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Still the disgusting fm
updated again… 2 more bug reports (radar range and about the fuel in the vertical stabilizers) and with the ones already accepted D:
edit: oh, looks like your bug report about the 3D issues of the su30sm was also accepted @ron_2303
edit2: more changes for su30sm fm and radar, this is from today

yeah i just edited that D: (thanks)
I’m not sure what folks were expecting with a flanker that weighs an additional 2-3 tons with engines that don’t output anymore thrust than before. It’s like the F15E compared to the F15C FM wise minus the better engines.
For me personally, it exceeded expectations. But my expectations were really low.
I think people were expecting that a jet with thrust vectoring and canards would 1C faster than the Su-27SM without either.
the radar is something amazing for me, the r77-1 feels a little better than the current r77 but about the fm i was expecting a little more at low speeds cause…you know, canards+tvc, my only main issue rn is the drag that is higher than the su34 and the plane’s will when you turn the limiter off (constantly trying to level the wings very aggressively according to the horizon and not the location you are aiming at, so if you are upside down or sideways you will fight against the plane, making aiming very annoying)
Su-30SM HUD still doesnt properly show targets when locked on.
Su-30SM HUD doesnt show map GPS marker either.
These will make sim mode unplayable.
In general it seems like the HUD is still very much early WIP with many missing features that work in other aircraft.
and dont show the pylons in the hud bottom etc…
this plane literally useless in sim mode because the fm its a joke and the agility very important in sim
I have not been able to test against many aircraft yet but it gets destroyed by the Rafale in sim, no contest. It can’t compete. But yes HUD, and also the pylons MFD if one exists would be awesome.
this is a bug right?
Yeah, it’s pretty pathetic. The Su-27SM remains the only Russian top tier for which merging with the enemy is even an option, and even that can’t fight the Rafale or EF in any context.
I wonder if the Su-27SM will be getting the ability to disable its stability like the Su-30SM. All Flankers are supposed to have excellent nose authority at stall and post stall speeds, but I don’t really feel it in game.