Its still underperforming iirc. The lock range on it is still kinda low. The gimbal limits are correct however.
Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection
Dude the bars isn’t just marginally better than the n001vep, i recommend you to test it on the devserver
It’s a marginal upgrade. In the context of ARB and the engagements you are likely to see there, the improvements to the radar will have at best a marginal improvement to your lethality. In the context of a custom battle with BVR search and destroy at altitude, perhaps it is a different story, but I’m not talking about that.
In short, if you think the 30SM with no flight model will be more competitive in ARB than the 27SM, I’ve got a bridge to sell ya.
Yeah people really underestimate the Bars. Either that or overestimate the N001 microwave oven.
Can it make popcorn?
I’m just not impressed with charts and graphs that don’t translate to in game performance.
here the relevant data mines for the latest su30sm changes
tbh, it feels bad rn and the option to disable the limiter also has another super annoying thing, the plane keeps trying to level the wings all the time very aggressively, if you’re upside down the plane won’t let you stay like that, you basically keep fighting against the will of the plane
Mach 2,0
Nonsense because it can’t be worse than the Su-33
Another nonsense from Gaijin. Su-33 should have the highest value of Flaps/polar
how similar are KnAAPO and Irkut Su-30s? I read about them and get more confused. Are both KnAAPO and Irkut Su-30s derived from Su-27PU, but inspired by their respective previous work experiences (E.g. KnAAPO: Su-35, Irkut: Su-27UB)?
Do Irkut Su-30MKK, Su-30M2 have thrust vectoring? Are the Irkut Su-30 radars worse than KnAAPO Su-30 radars?
Can parts from KnAAPO Su-30 generally be shared with Irkut Su-30?
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because no one made a bug report with this “information and open data”, i didn’t even see anyone trying to at least show the reliable sources to fix/improve the fm, so gaijin can do whatever they want if no one shows up to say that they are wrong :D
as far as i know, no one in this thread that wanted to do the bug reports has any sources to fix or improve the su30sm
And book MAI
Early Knaapo SU-30 are based on or with tech from Su-27m. But the one they actually managed to sell don’t have canards. Like Chinese MKK or Venezuela MKV. The one with Canard are made by Irkut MKI, SM their are base on 27UB but with some tech from 27m.
Those are Knaapo. And they don’t have.
This page had a lot of info of it.
MILAVIA Aircraft - Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker Variants List
Usually Irkut use Bars radar. MKK on Chinese one use n001ve. Knaapo Su-35s on Russia use Irbis but Chinese Su-35s have Irbis E.
i just updated the bug report list with some new ones and some that have been accepted
i don’t think the posts you quoted will make any bug report to be accepted, especially the canards ones, it doesn’t say how much better the su30sm’s induced drag should be, we don’t even know if this is related to the su30sm or if it’s just a general study related to canards, the video could make the su30 get another nerf but i’m not sure, everywhere online claims something well under 19,300kg for the empty weight
At this point I give up, nerf it even more. Seems to make everyone happy
we can go raptor pretty soon but not felon
This is a study where the usual Su-27 and Su-27 with canard