Only in a straight line. Drag makes it much worse against notching target
Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection
Does anybody have info on how heavy is each sukhoi, from the 27 to the 35?
About 2 tonnes in additional weight on a Su-27
what about the su-33 and su-30sm?
I did say that, but you can still hit targets, after all it does pull better in close engagements. I have been shot notching by a su30SM 25km away, even at point of impact, it was a spray but still, it can match AMRAAM better than any other missile RN, more so in range than PL12 RN.
What are you even saying? PL-12 is the closest match to the AMRAAM and China finally gets another platform with it
- Su-33 Empty Weight: Approximately 18,400 kg
- Su-30 Empty Weight: Approximately 17,700 kg
rn the su30 is heavier than the 33 (18,830kg in wt) - with less thrust than the 33 too
Current info of Su-35s without Canards. Put it around the same weight as Su-30sm. How? idk. So Su-37 should be the same.
Didnt specify versions I can only go on publicly available information im sure BBC will here soon to correct us all.
the su30sm is the same as the su30mki it should weigh around 18,400kg as far as I know, bbcr is saying 19,000kg without providing sources and gaijin put the 18,830kg which I have never seen online
first google search for me:
So it seems these planes don’t differentiate at all in terms of weight, su-35 performance will depend on the engines. At least without canards it will lose less speed.
No, R-77-1 is the closest, thanks to the stronger propelling, still worse but better than PL12 RN for sure, nvm when it is fixed fully. PL12 is a much bigger missile and doesn’t actually get its full thrust as it is for export model currently in game.
It’s actually around 30,720kg with full fuel and full arh load when I think about it. God damn that’s a heavy plane
I suspect su35 will be to su27 what the f15e is to the f15c, quite not much different in bfm but with much better climb rate
Current version, would assume AL-31
Export versions will often have increased weight or downgraded some components compared to the domestic version of the Russian Air Force, for example, the domestic Su57 will be equipped with AL-51 instead of AL-41.
yeah but how do we know for sure the empty weight of the su30sm? if it isnt the same as the mki and it isnt the 17,700kg that google first gave us D:
Su-35s 280. F-15c 330. Eurofighter 300. Dunno if these are the exactly values. Just putting some numbers.
Also it look like Russia its more focused on trying to increase service time on their engine that trying to push the Thrust (something like Rafale engine). So even if the Su-35"sm" get new engine i don’t think it will increase the thrust of them. That its why some lates “leaks” on AL-51 rate it a 16 tons. When they where aiming for 18 to 20 tons.