Yea that was a terrible shot/play by the flanker. But the missile was already losing way too much speed even before the F-18 did any maneuvers. When the F-18 crank for like 3 second and the R-77-1 lose half it speed.
Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection
What is maximum climb rate of Su-30SM?
wait, they added the black camo?
amazing photos :3
Nope, not yet sadly. These are 2 different skins from wt live
Thanks :D
ahhh :( but still, so pretty :3
Finally had some time to test the dev server. First of all @Grimtax so happy your radar bug report finally got accepted. The effect was definitely felt on the Su-27SM and EFT (the latter probably also thanks to the new TWS).
Su-30SM is heavy as expected but at least R-77-1 compensates for it… still there were much better choices imho.
i feel like the horizontal elevators of the su30sm are not responsive enough like the su27sm, idk, it feels a little bit weird, i was expecting a heavy plane that would at least have 1 really good turn(better than the su27s/sm/su33) cause of the canards+tvc
but I’m so happy because of the new and good radar that I don’t even care about the FM lol
I mean heavier also means slower turn, but with TVC the instantaneous turn is much better than Su-27SM at low speed.
yeah radar is insane, probably redundant for the missiles we have in game
from some tests with a friend, the su30sm couldnt turn better than the su27sm with both doing the merge at 750/800km/h with min fuel and clean :( (the su27sm always pointed the nose first and made a tighter turn - oh and that ofc with the limiter on)
yeah, i didnt even use the su34 since it was added to the game cause i dont enjoy grb anymore, so i was stuck with the su27sm, when i tested the su30sm i was like
at 750kph thrust vectoring does not works as far as I’ve seen, and canards can’t fully compensate for 2 ton extra weight
yeah, idk if it is supposed to be like that or not…it only works at 500/400km/h or less i think
yeah true :(
What so you like about the radar?
After couple days of testing Su-30 radar locks onto missiles perfectly but not the aircraft firing the missiles. I probably have more missile shoot downs than aircraft frags in the Su-30.
Last night i was trying to dogfight a Rafale in sim. Never won once. Skill issue? Probably.
Meanwhile the Rafale went 23-0 against me in the Su-30. Couldn’t lock them up no matter what i tried. Not IRST, not PD, nor TWS. Nothing would work.
Your FM and missile kit is set up to sell out in the first 1-2 turns and launch an R-77 or R-73 in an undodgeable aspect. If you can’t manage that, the Rafale will basically always win. My suggestion would be to merge slower to really commit into this. It’s not like keeping your speed is going to help you anyway against a Rafale.
Unfortunately, the Rafale is also probably the best at this play style anyway due to the MICA being even better than the R-77 for this.
i was using more the tws than the hms tbh, so didnt have any problems related to locks, the scan rate is so fast that you can find anything easly, at least in my experience (im already with almost 4kd with the su30sm)
i mean, the su30sm is a heavy bird lol, your best chance to win against the rafale is with missiles and not in guns only
if you did that in custom battles on the dev, the radar is for sure kinda buggy there, but i didnt have any problems in normal air rb (on the dev) with the radar
For me, i cant use TWS. In sim, TWS means you kill a friendly bexause it doesnt differentiate IFF. You must use PD for this.
Also, HMD doesnt work consistently. In fact, you cant lock up targets even if you can see them visually with HMD. My assumption is simply put, HMD has a maximum effective range. So it make it a pain to use unless you’re basically within 5km of the target. In RB at this range its minimal time to react.
As for scan rate of Su-30, its good, but being able to see a target means nothing if you cant lock them up to fire a missile. In sim, i can see the Rafale for 50+ miles all the way until 10 miles. Couldnt lock it. Im not aure what the deal with this is, but it is my experience.
this all might be just dev serve bugs, cant do much about it other than just wait and see when it gets added to the live server
This is incorrect.
I mean. I play sim quite regularly. I stopped using TWS solely because of this. Everytime i used TWS a friendly died. Only PD shows me double dash friendly, single dash enemy. But to be fair, i havent used TWS since some of the earliest aircraft which got them.
tws has iff…