Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection


freaking devserver won’t let me login

I suppose if it’s a “technical possibility” a reasoning they’ve used in the past.
It’s nice to see a fighter with a TGP for the USSR

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here we go (print got pixeled idk why)

What camo it gets?

none for now

what engine?

How do you know it cant equip those pylons? Because i got this tid bit researching the Kh-38’s.

Both versions of the Grom are of 600 kg weight, with various guidance mechanisms, and both are created on the basis of the Kh-38M short-range tactical missile and also have modular structures, warheads and seekers. This weapon was first seen at MAKS 2015, and intended to equip all types of fighters

This implies that while only visually seen at MAKS on limited airframes, the missile itself was designed to be compatible with all other Russian aircraft. That would also include the Su-30SM which is obviously still in active service with the Russian military. The missile itself was used in multiple conflicts, where the SU-30SM has also been deployed. Its not known if the missile was specifically equipped on the Su-30SM during these conflicts but given the prior information, its far from unreasonable to assume that the Su-30SM can indeed equip and use a multi-purpose missile designed to be used with all active service fighters.


At long range yes as the range reduces it becomes less efficient

The grom-2 will not reach across the map 30 seconds after takeoff however. The problem with the grom-1 was the efficiency with no risk.

Can someone go into dev server Su-27 test flight, lock a target with IRST (not using ACM or HMD), change the range scale to 50 km, and send me a picture of the IRST screen from 3rd person?

I wanna see if they fixed the IRST range or not.

Only because the average cro-magnan Air RB player can’t avoid the easiest ARH missile to avoid. R-77 is miles better than AIM-120 when launched within correct parameters. Y’all just full of cope cause you can’t get into said parameters.

lmfao, yeah right

btw, the aim120 seeker is the same as the r77, so if the aim120 is the “easiest” ARH missile to avoid, then the same should be said for the r77 :D but for you the r77 is “miles better” huh, skill issue maybe?


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I can. Give me a minute.

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Check the SIM tab. Literally 12+ kills per battle with the 27SM. And in that time the only complaint I’ve had has been not having all the missile mods yet.

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poor 37 zombers, what an experienced guy


Mostly Typhoons, cope more. I’ve heard nothing but whining from this thread for years so I put my money where my mouth was and ground the Flankers out. Guess what? Most y’all are just full of cope.

poor 37 typhoon zombers

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