Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Oh for an update then it was T-80 domination.

I hope gaijin just delete ground rb


It used to be fun but now its crap and it limits the capabilities of missiles.

ok? go and ask gaijin to remove the kh-38 then? again, i just want an amazing airfame (like eveyone has) for air rb, the kh-38 wont make any difference in my life, if you problem is with cas, go ask gaijin to add patriots or something else to counter that. (like i said once, any plane that can perfom cas is annoying and all of them should suffer, so go ask gaijin to do something about it)

typhon has the best fm in the game and currently is the only plane that can SUSTAIN 16+gs, before him it was the grippen but that was fixed.


Primary problem of ground RB is in my opinion that there are too small maps. There is no room to disperse anti-aircraft systems, so they are all piled up in a known location where they are an easy target

su-27sm ingame basically transformed into sm3, they just didn’t put the 3 after the SM and gave double pylon instead of putting r77s on the wingtip. I’m 100% against it because 1-it didn’t change shit in terms of winrate and 2-it’s really ahistorical, but it’s not that deep tbh, there are many worse instances in terms of balance (r27er vs aim7m, little f16 ufo which wasn’t fixed to this day etc)


Yeah I agree. That double pylons dont do much. They can easily remove them.

It made a big difference having 4 extra missiles is amazing.

It gives you more potential for kills and as you have so many you can just shoot them off to put pressure on a jet.

This is what the Su-30 will do as a reminder 12 BVR missiles vs 6.

I stopped playing ground rb back when the mig27k and harrier were the meta for cas and SPAAs didn’t suck, even back then these jets were super annoying and i decided to give up because in my opinion it was very chaotic and unbalanced, i thought “Nah man this can’t be the definitive version of top tier, i’ll let them improve the game a lil bit and then i’ll be back”, 3 years later and not only did the SPAAs get nerfed but also CAS got many times worse, i completely lost my hope on that gamemode and i’ll never come back, unless they heavily rework it.

Well, to frank, they do something - making taking 2 27ER/27ET a nobrainer. You still have your, typically, maximum load of Fox-3 missiles and can now entertain the idea of taking something extra

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Its only two less R-77. Still you have a large number of missiles at your disposal.

Not 4 extra just 2… Back then it was possible to carry 6 r77s and gaijin made 2 of the pylons carry 2, now being able to carry 8 in total

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ET and ER are also BVR missiles.

And that shortcoming is now fixed with the Su-30!

Supposedly BVV_d said they’re considering giving the MiG-29SMT the T-220 as well

ET is of very specific usage, if one day you bother enough to research ussr tree you’ll see that it’ll only work on very specific scenarios (hello people trying to land on the af), r27er although monstruous against sparrows it’s not that effective against fox3s, it’s not impossible to play with like some say, but you’ll definitely lose against any aware fox3 user

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You have 4 more missiles than any other nation
Yes they might not be perfect but its better than using the gun.

in terms of efficiency a f15c with 6 amraams +2 9ms is better than a su27sm with all of its might, simply because its missiles will hit more


AIM-120 are much more dangerous as they have advantage in range.

Thats the Radar and you know it.
The Su-27 Radar is trash

And that doesn’t count? Also aim120 is more efficient than the r77, that i guarantee you