Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Shame the ingame camo quality doesn’t look that good

idk much either to be honest, i think it still pulls 50gs but it has more range, but idk how much more range it has compared to the normal r77s

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he Su-37 features triaxial thrust vectoring.

cool dude

The washed-out/ugly color palette in War Thunder

More about the camo details, its always a coin flip whether you get a clean one like the Su-27S/SM or a messed up one like the Su-34.

Soem su 27s are able to take flare pods like the gripen but are not in game verient of the su 27 i belive

Grom-1 is basicly a bot program users dream, as it can hit any base on any map basically from takeoff. Its massively unecessary and would just be awful for the game. Itd also only be useful in air sim, and maybe a tiny bit in air RB, but because it was taken away (to stop the obvious bot problem it would’ve caused) people are mad and want it back, even tho 99% of the ppl asking for it wouldnt actually ever use it.

The Grom-2 is functionally better at what the Grom-1 does (killing bases from far away), its just not jet powered, so you actually have to do more than just takeoff and pitch up for a couple seconds to use it.

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Su34 should be able to carry 4 as well seeing the same pylons can carry R73 and KH38 at the same time showing they have enough load and the required cooling systems for R27ET.

Where can i find the leak server?

Do we know if the Su-30SM’s NO11M Bars is statically mounted or mounted on electromechanical drives? I read the radar has both options irl, but not sure which the Su-30SM uses.

It’s ±40° electrical steering plus ±30° mechanical steering


Wiki says NO11M Bars has ±70/45 azimuth/elevation static or ±90/90 if gimballed, is that incorrect then?

From what you’re saying its should be ±70/70 in the Su-30SM, from ±40 beam steering and ±30 mechanical gimbal?

Praying to Live to make some crisp skins then for the same Su-34 does have pretty good one (even if it, somewhat overused, Su-57 pixel)

(and if someone manages to sneak-in SoL Squadron skins)


What exactly is the limitation here between Flanker variants being able to mount TGPs? I know I’ve seen Su-30 variants with Litenings, Damocles, and articles stating some can carry SASPAN-E, etc. Is it a matter of just wiring some electronics to pylons to make TGPs compatible? Or is it something else entirely?

I know Gaijin has used certain excuses like “has potential to mount” as a free pass to give aircraft ahistorical configurations, so I wonder if Su-30SM with TGP being that case.

As of 2019, the figures have been changed…

РЛСУ “Барс” - АО “НИИП имени В.В. Тихомирова”

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Su-57 pixel is the way to go

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Also one more thing that has me curious, since the R-77-1 was leaked, and when/if it comes with the Su-30SM, what other aircraft can also retroactively get it?

Can the Su-34, Mig-29SMT use it as well?

You’re quite literally looking at an Su-30SM

SMT can, 34 theoretically yes but i think it would be the same situation as the 9.13 with the r27er, not sure tho