Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

this is what im getting in the J-11 with 2820kg internal fuel and 2 R-73 but no R-27Rs so this configuration is actually lighter than the what the manual specifies yet it still seems to underperform

I have trouble keeping a perfect altitude since im doing this on a laptop but if anyone with R-27Rs unlocked would like to give it a go it would be appreciated

But the lower right corner also says ‘для другой массы ηуф = ηуст. вир. • 20000 / mф’, which means for other weights, maximum allowed load factor can be calculated by multiplying 20000 / current mass. This could be an indication that the mass used in drawing the graph is 20000 kg.

This is for the Chinese J-11, but for the Soviet Su-27, the Soviet has 5 fuel tanks, not 4

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well yeah, 16870kg+2610kg fuel+2 R-27 and 2 R-73 and their launchers comes out to roughly 20000kg

The total weight should be 20000kg

since I lack R-27Rs the total weight in my example is 200kg lighter however considering it appears to underperform even in a lighter than should be configuration isnt a good sign

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There should be an error somewhere.

Same config at a different speed still off by ~.6ish G like the past test being off by .67g

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Got both Flankers spaded and aced (because I am a pyscho).

Is there anything you would like to see?

Guys, flanker likes to rip when spaded and aced. Kinda like the F-15

in full real controls in the J-11 2 R-27R on the wing (nothing else) at 3000m try to rate is the ideal test since thats the closest to the manuals parameters, use ofc, would be big help :)

working on it! The full real is a problem for me I got you. How much alpha should I pull? degrees?

R27 which wing pylon the furthers inward or outward?

Alpha is basically just how much you pull so you neither gain speed nor lose speed, aka hold a rate.

afaik they only go on the innermost wing pylons, but I dont think it matters much anyways

also forgot to mention this earlier but youll want to use min fuel but set it so fuel is unlimited so you dont have to worry about being at the correct mass for a short period of time, min fuel with 2 R-27s is roughly the same mass as the manual given

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If I pull 30 degrees of alpha, I induce drag.
I will most definitely lose more speed if I were at 50 degrees. The aircraft itself will induce more drag.

But I will try to find the degree of alpha that will neither gain or lose speed and will note it.

You got it! It’s your test.

IIRC the Soviet Su-27S also has a total fuel capacity of 9400 kg, no?

Is there a possibility to obtain additional counter measures? For example, get twice as much with a small caliber flare instead of a large caliber flare. The 96 flare looks poor compared to the 240 F-15 and 640 JAS39.

A single drop of flares is useful with large caliber, I’ve noticed on other big fighters that the small ones are almost useless. Even if you have more, it is not better.

Is 96 for a flanker equivalent to 192 or 288 for an eagle?

Issue is for some reason 24 of 96 flares are droped as two for once.

ran another test and this one ended up pretty well, its definitely underperforming by a significant margin
(note my config is slightly lighter and less draggy than the manual, so if the parameters were exact to the manual the gap would be even larger)




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this was off by a whole G, seems the faster you go the greater the underperformance

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