Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Anyone know if the su30sm can carry more than 2 r27et?

even more reason to add sm2 and not sm1…

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T-220 targeting pod noted

Su-35 and Mig-35 can mount this, according to the Russian/Soviet aircraft TGP thread:


Can it be mounted to Su-30SM?

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what gen thermals does that thermal pod have

No only 2

The olivia leak says it’s coming so it’s probably a module for the Su-30SM


So we get a good multirole with a good radar and (hopefully) good flight performance? AND FINALLY A TARGETING POD?

Nah, this is Russian bias. Now nerf Su-30SM Flight model into the ground.


Off-Topic will finally MiG-29 be saved now?

The ingame grom-2’s have the same model at the moment


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Not sure, In the case of the mig29 and other jets that suffer from the same issue, they pull too much and lose a Lot of speed in the process. I believe they should add a feature that lets you adjust the amount of Aoa the instructor can pull, 29 is an excelent 2c fighter but we can only see that with Full controls…

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It cant
Only su34 and su35 can carry more than 2

No. Only Su-35 can carry 4. Su-34 should have only 2

the su34 can also carry 4 as it was based of the su35

otherwise iam open to look at your source for that


What’s the difference in terms of overall performance? (for the R-77-1)
Don’t really know much about them

no what. su-34 and su-35 it’s ansolutley 2 wery different planes

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so your source is trust me bro?

edit: i know iam wrong on the su34 is based of the su35 part
i meant to say that it uses parts of the su35

Su-30SM my beloved.

my photos/videos from when I visited Kubinka Airfield back in 2018. It was my first time seeing a Sukhoi jet up close and then at MAKS2019.



Amazing pictures