Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Even more now with the absurd radar, su30sm Will be pretty competitive

As predicted it’s going to have an FM more BS than the Rafale and the Typhoon.
PESA Radar, 14 missiles…Will this be enough or will Russia keep suffering?

Yep and Typhoon can carry Meteor why the hell are you getting an R37?

He’s not saying It should get, just asking that if it carries the missile IRL or not, which It does

that’s what I hope, but I’m still traumatized by what happened with 29 and su27 (it was great in the dev server, people cried over it and it was nerfed) D:


It can carry the R-37M

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Tbh i kinda understand the 29, they corrected the plane but left the f16 a little ufo able to pull insane amounts of aoa which made the fulcrum appear to be bad.

Su-27 was total BS tho, they just showed how lazy they were by using t10 documents to model it ingame, however i don’t expect them to screw the su30 apart from the TVC which i think it’ll suck at least for the first months…


Did you not see the above video TVC Su-30 is going to be cracked.

I have some doubts If it’ll be broken by making the plane more op or if it’ll just worsen its performance because of the energy bleed… Whatever it does, i don’t think it’s going to work fine, but this won’t surprise me cuz since the t10 fiasco i gave up on gaijin in the sense that i don’t believe they’ll ever pick quality over quantity in terms of new content…

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Energy bleed is a factor, but in the short/medium range engagement envelope being able to just pull turns like that is going to be so strong.

Even when defeating SAMs in ground battles (not that Russian jets need to get close to SAMS with all the wonderful FNF missiles they get)

TVC is frankly a gimmick that bleeds your plane of a vast amount of energy, and is really only useful at incredibly slow speeds, it seems like just another way to kind of access Full-real controls from mouse aim haha. I’m sure it will be fun and somewhat useful but it’s not a genuine gamechanger in the realm of HMD + High-Off-bore missiles. Personally I may just mostly keep it toggled off so I can maintain speed far better.


Its flight model is 2 dimensional lines jerking around at best. It will not act like that in game.

Yup, i also prefer to maintain my speed. Imo planes who do better at 2C are more consistent, although i like to fly some aoa monsters sometimes cuz it’s fun

idk what he is expecting, the su30sm with tvc on should (I think) beat everything in 1c at the cost of a huge loss of speed, it should do ‘crazy things’ but it seems he just wants a heavier/boat su27sm


Its still a huge heavy airframe not an F-22 TVC can only do so much.

Maylasian Hornets in BFM with Su-30s could challenge them.

Can you confirm if there such of thing as a “TVC” button/switch?. On Su-30sm.

It will be a 1 trick suicide. You spin around, hope they aren’t preflaring and try to R-73 them. If they are preflaring you’re dead.


so as de f14, yet that thing can compete with the 29 which is waay lighter than the f14, the hornet is literally 11,000kg empty weight, the su30sm is something around 17,700kg (empty weight), you saying that the su30 can compete against the hornet just proves that the su30sm should do some crazy stuff, especially with TVC on

yeah sure, but still, is nice to have the extra AoA from the canards+tvc if you need it, tell luque that, he cant preflare apparently lol

F-14 used variable wing to leverage that ability and only in low speed envelope.
We are comparing a Su-30 defeating any gen 4/4.5 aircraft in BFM…I don’t buy it

Yes this is the Su-35 but it’s for comparison

Compare that to the video and it becomes apparent how it is very jerky and will not act like that when finished

Edit: tell me if the GIF isn’t working on your end because the forums suck