Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

It can also be one of the variants of the Kh-35U…





Also has NVD as option, meaning it either gets TGP or IRST view.

FM bullshit


1,3 photo Kh-35A

what the hell is this

Well, UFO, as expected…

Is that video real ?

Posted by official gaijin source

In reality, the plane doesn’t jerk like that.


This is why we give them time to finish the flight models


Is there any other air to air missile that the Su-30 can carry beside the R-77/-1?

SM/SM2 probably most modern Russian missiles like the R37, r73m/74, etc.

After all, your initial assumption that this is Grom-1 is most likely correct…


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Knowing gaijin it’ll take a year or two and i am being optimistic…

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Ppl are saying the funny russian smoke (grom-1) appeared on the su-30sm, can someone confirm that?

Are you guys ready to carry 12 of the worst ARH missiles in the game? PLUS two R-73s?
But fr I can’t wait, Good radar and 14 missiles is gonna be fun. Definitely gonna carry some R-27E’s tho.

Also, Can’t the Su-30SM carry the R-37?

Tbh with the right flanking and map routes you can get pretty consistent kills with the r77’s, especially while launched from a high aspect. Karma’s guides on the su27sm show that r77’s can definitely work. Just the radar, radar is an old microwave (su27).

(edit) this was my last ever match in the 27sm, 5/6 kill games are pretty common

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watch people start to call the su30sm a UFO or that it is “too good” and ended up being nerfed by gaijin (the same thing that happened with the mig 29 and the su27) lol


I wonder if gaijin is fixing the G limiters

for heavy fighters to have some real advantage (finally)