Probably rails for R-73.
Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection
yeah, my only real problem is dealing with micas D: sometimes they dont get notched/chaffed for nothing, i think maybe the AESA on the rafale helps a lot with this
i dont even know how you keep playing sim, the aim9m itself is already a thing that i wouldnt want to face, having to predict everytime or pre flare without knowing if the other guy lanched the missile is just not fair imo, at least if the flanker had 200+ flares/chaff for that then it would be ‘okay’
Yeah, now looking, probably just empty/out of R-73s on wingtips. Still, thats quite specific for no reasons
We shall see the radar on tomorrow’s dev server D:
Preflaring and praying. But I must say that R-73 and R-27ET are doing their job decently so far. At least that’s how it was until now. :D
Another idiocy gaijin
Now Im really hopping the radar of Su-30 will be decent… or, at least, less prone to “Sorry, I can lock the target with HMD. Try again” (especially with so many R-77s at the ready)
i sure hope that gaijin wont let the tvc be on all the time and actually be something that we can turn on/off
Would be funny (no) if TVC was a researchable module
pls no LMAO
Bro, don’t scare us.
I would like it to be this, but it doesn’t look like it.
With it being able to mount groms(?) I hope it gets TGP… only will find out when the dev server drops I suppose
War thunder Ru telegram
that was a pretty hard turn, damn
Not directly, but I do think it will kinda be, just like flying most jets without hydraulic booster modification feels like.
Thrust vectoring will probably only be noticeable at full controls and slow speeds anyway, or else the average player will just start stalling mid-air.
Probably people will still complain that the jet can’t pull enough AoA and do spins on command because they never heard of full controls and how mouse aim instructor restrictions work. We’ll see soon.
From WT Telegram