Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Is the 100 meant to be the range it searches? can someone explain better the MFD display.

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What is this from first of all?

Kazakh Su-30SM, backseat central MFD

Since the update is coming soon, I hope Gaijin doesn’t forget giving the Su-30 its much needed targeting pod. Damocles would be nice and the Kazakh variant with Litening would be exciting too.

Am i right that the Su-30sm will come with the french Thales 3022 hud ?
Or did it get replaced with a domestic one ?

Knowing Snail? They are just gonna copy Su-27SM HUD (and I know not only 27SM uses it, it just the closest jet in TT)

Is that the same HUD as the Rafale? cuz if so, thats pretty exciting for sim players.

  1. The Su-30SM for the Russian Air Force was produced until 2018…All of them are also Belarusian/Kazakhstani/The Armenian and Malaysian Su-30MKM are equipped with Thales HUD 3022 (CTH 3022)…

Снимок экрана 2025-02-26 125414

Су-30СМ ВВС Белоруссии оснастили французскими ИЛС Thales HUD 3022
2. The Su-30SM2 is equipped with ILS of the IKSH-1KI-1 type…
Telegram: Contact @milinfolive


Except it isn’t the same HUD. It is closer to Su-34 HUD

To be frank, does it matter? (well, unless it academic interest, then sure) We dont see the instruments/screens for the second crew member anyway (Would be very based to actually be able to play from their perspective tho)

Well they will need to do that for Sim. And also generally I just like it better when planes have clean cockpits rather than a bunch of dials. Radar screens and RWR are really important.

Ok thanks. I read that France stopped delivering HUDs due to sanctions in 2015 but I couldn’t find any information on whether Russia has been using the IKSH-1KI or IKSH-1M since then, apart from this image:

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Alright, So with us (hopefully) getting the Su-30SM next update, what skins do you guys hope come with?

I personally hope for one of those Light-Blue camos, with the black around the cockpit.



Best scheme for it (IMO)




HUD and HMD are two differnet things

This is the worst and non-existent camouflage for the Su-30SM


Existing and beautiful camouflage


I want a su57ed su30sm

Thats pretty much a fate for every new russian jet (with Live skins at least, people REALLY love that pixel camo)