cant wait for this thing to be added D: i’m finally going to retire my poor and tired su27sm
I hope gaijin gives us the black camo that the su30sm uses, it’s great imo
Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection
So pretty!
Screenshots of it are gonna be absolute cinema
lol I’m sure you will send here some crazy and amazing screenshots
Im gonna use WT live skin on SU30.
Im pretty sure they will do much better job.
Will do for sure :D
the only sad part is that only you will see it :( that’s why I hope gaijin can give us this camo, it’s the main camo that su30sm uses in all the videos I’ve seen
The main problem with in game skins are color pastel , most of the time Gaijin fk’s them up, that’s why i prefer wt live skins even tho i bought countless skins from market.
Needles to say i doesn’t matter if people see it or not, as long as my eyes feasts that’s good enough for me.
It’s kinda off-topic, but still an Su-27 (SK variant technically)
Lowkey wishing for a J-11A fix, this aircraft is just Su-27S with R-77 and Gaijin still giving any hint to fix this mediocore aircraft.
That’s unfortunately accurate, if you want an actual domestic Chinese Flanker you’d have to wait for J-11B.
Guys I saw recently that there is a new AL-31 variant. Is there any chance we can convince gaijin to add it to the Su-30
If there’s proof that it equipped that engine sure
Looks like it was offered to upgrade the J-10 and is for single engine planes. I’m talking about the AL-31FN series 5.
Only 1 plane have AL-31FN - J-10…
Izd 177 can installed in future, but…
The irony of this statement being that the Rafale that was added IS the Indian one, it was just added to the French tree xD
i mean sure, but at least it was added to the french tree lol, im hoping that gaijin hold the su30mki and the rafale from india, at least for maybe 2 updates, EF is enough for now and if/when the ef got the radar fixed they wont need another 14.0 jet for some time
Hope someone do the Digital T-50 skin. Like the one in the market for Su-27
That engine its for Single engine fighters like the J-10. Rostec info.
Pretty sure that there is not reason to even build more AL-31FP when 177s Has better life time (2000vs6000). Consume less fuel and has more Thrust. But yea there is no proof that current Su-30sm or sm2(maybe) are using them Right now.
I hope this color scheme ends up being at least the grindable skin like on the Su-34 (or even the base one maybe). It just looks too good on the su30
I’m a bit worried about how they’ll model bars considering the negligence towards the captor m
If we base ourselves on the su34 radar, it should be enough to at least have something good on the su30sm