Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Okey, thank you

Yeah if I’m not wrong the Su-30MKK/MK2 only have the Myech, the Su-30SM/MKI have the Bars, and the Su-30SM2 has the Irbis

The Su-30MKM use’s the bars Radar from what I’m able to find there’s also a page about it on the forums as a suggestion

All Irkutsk Su-30 with Bars IIRC.


I meant to say MKK you’re right

Afaik, N001VE Mech for 30MKK and N001VEP Mech for 30MK2

When do the flankers get a HMD?

All of them have HMD?

Helmed Mounted Display, not HMS, sight. like a display on the helmet

Then idk

N001VEP on su 27SM shouldn’t there be 4 RC channels for air-to-air missiles and 2 channels for air-to-ground?

I think never, but the Su-57 will get HMD in the future

do you know how the russian hmd looks like from the inside?

This pic is from the russian video on the subject from what i could find…

The su 57 already has one and maybe the su 35s, the su 57 hasa capability similar to that of a f 35 where you are floating and looking through thermal or visual camera

Yes but pear to pear or ground to air data link isnt in game

Peer to peer? What is this

Peer to peer my fault auto correct ruined it

Peer to peer? I don’t know what is this