Su-27SM has been buffed multiple times
Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection
Do you guys use manual vertical control of the radar on the flankers. And do you recommend it?
Dude, if the flanker had gotten a good flight model in the Air Superiority update, blue players would have suffered forever, but the developer decided to give a good flight model only when the Eurofighter and Rafale appeared, which are 2 heads above the Su-27
Blue planes were always better than the Su-27 because of its bad flight model.
The only difference with the Su-27 was the R-73, which constantly turns into a spinner
We’ve been waiting a year for a flight model update for the Flanker!
You are of course right, Gaijin should have waited until the Su-35 was added before adding the F-15E, Rafale and Typhoon. It wouldnt be fair to not have Russia dominating.
Blue air was superior to Su-27 because of bad flight model.
Gaijin gave you more missiles to compensate
They acted on the bug report to increase ACM distance to 20km.
And when you provided correct data for fm change they acted on them and gave you the superior engines making this Su-27SM some weird hybrid.
Lets not pretend Gaijin havent buffed the Su-27 multiple times.
Typhoon and Rafale should be superior, they are still underperforming in sensor fusion and flight performance.
CAPTOR-M is also a mess
Low CMs it still carries enough to survive a whole air rb match and they are large counter measures not BOL pods which have reduced effect.
Mid FM is harsh the Su-27 is much better now.
MICA is a better missile and should have a longer range.
Rafale should outclass a Su-27SM
4 more missiles is 4 more chances to kill. Su-27 is also the only other top tier jet that can use IRST to guide long range IR missiles. R-27ET are not to be slept on.
SU-30SM would 12 R-77s make it good though always hear complaints the R-77 is crap.
There is a problem. Dev can’t fix supersonic op because dagor engine limitation of non-linear engine/fuselage perfomance.
There is supersonic barrier drag IRL that uncrease drag after mach 1.0. If devs make aircraft normal at subsonic they make it over perform at supersonic.
Not a funny joke
The developers were simply afraid to give a flight model for the Su-27, because it would destroy all blue aircraft easily, but they found a solution to give additional missiles that players did not even ask for.
They tuned it to realism.
Dude, I didn’t give engines for Su-27SM, by the way, Su-27SM is the same as Su-27 in maneuverability
These were small improvements that did not change the situation in the battle in any way.
This is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen
The Rafale is superior to the Su-27SM in every way. It has a much better radar, it has a much better IRST, it has a better flight model, it has a better RWR.
The Su-27’s IRST is almost useless in search mode. It can only help to determine the distance to an enemy you have already found earlier
The R-27ET is a very situational missile. In a situation where you are launching at an enemy that has not seen you, the R-27ET is good, but I had moments where the Rafale was easily able to dodge my missiles with MAW.
It doesn’t have the SM3’s double pylons? That would push it up to 14 missiles, not 12.
Ye, but I use it on all aircraft.
One thing it helps with is locking the desired target when there are a bunch near each other with some vertical separation. The lock box is giant 10^{\,\circ} \times 8^{\,\circ} and scans from the bottom, so it always picks up the target that is the lowest. With vertical elevation control you can move it up a bit to scan the lock the correct one (it is still very tedious). Writing this I realize that you can also just do that with you mouse if you have manual vertical control off.
You agree the that the Su-27 has numerous improvements over it’s lifecycle.
Adding more missiles not an improvement?
Improving ACM mode not an improvement?
Reverting planned realistic RWR changes which would have impacted Red air not an improvement?
Improving thrust, top speed, acceleration and instantaneous turn rate not an improvement?
Giving new engines?
It wouldnt Su-27 is not superior it is behind in terms of avionics and sensors.
It’s Radar if it was realistic would be jammed by the Tornados Fox hunter radar
I agree that these were useless improvements.
This could also affect the Blues’ aviation.
These improvements were not made.
The sustained turn speed was changed, but this improvement only appeared with the Eurofighter and Rafale.
This improvement also only came with the addition of the Eurofighter and Rafale and did not provide a significant improvement in maneuverability over the Su-27.
I was talking about the double pylons on the belly.
Because afaik the sm1 and sm2 didn’t had them.
In game it’s late Su-27SM, double pylons is thing only for Su-35. And SM2 was just internal codename for Su-27 modernization that was similar to Su-35 and never happened, “Su-27SM2” doesn’t exist.
Similar lvl of shit
Correct me if iam wrong, but shouldn’t it have a better radar then or am I imagining things
No, they use N001vep even in SM3.
The J-11A is still using the base N001
Yea i also don’t get the hate the flanker gets
They are amazing aircraft
And the r77 is an amazing missile
Yes long range the aim120 is better but those long range shots are a shot in the dark anyways
Also the tws Radar on the su27 is indeed a Joke
So even with aim120c long range shots will be hard
Ppl overexaggerate about the flanker being crap, i really don’t think It is, but It would be nice to get a better missile. As ppl pointed out many times r-77-1 isn’t much better than its predecessor, it just gets a bit more range, which will make it more balanced towards amraam. It’s harder to get away from aim120 compared to r-77 Because r-77 doesn’t have enough energy.
R-77 x aim120 isn’t as unbalanced as r27er x aim7s tho, and i still think it should be removed from the early soviet 4th gen when (and If) they add MiG-29S.