Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Then that goes against Aim120C.
There isn’t a version of R-77 that is superior to the Aim 120 variant

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That is F-15E late and advanced eagle counterpart

Is not. The counterpart for that thing would be a “Su-35sm” with Su-57 avionic if that ever exist.

F-15SA then I guess for the Su-35S, from similar time. EX with SM, cool to have more flanker-eagle focused trailers

Technically the early F-15EX has only 12 amraam slots until it certifies the other possible layouts so they can easily modify this to make it a functional Su-30SM / Su-35 (base) counterpart.

Depending on what missile ordnance they want to add be it R-77-1 or R-77M they could move the Su-35 up or down in BR comparably to the Su-30SM.

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Pretty sure how many missile a plane can carry is not a balance factor. If that would be the case the F-16c won’t sit on the same BR as F-15c.

But idk. It don’t feel right putting the Su-35s vs Late F-15 variants… I would like to wait for gaijin to add the Su-35s first and see how they model IRBIS radar. If we go with Stealthflanker calculations that thing is stupid and its better than a lot of AESA. At least on range. But if it get gaijined…meh.

F-15SA and Su-35S are direct counterparts to each other though, both are the next step of their respective airframes

Technically the only balance factor is how well the players do in the thing. If we collectively fly the F-15C really badly it will go down in BR even further.

So… SA will be USA subtree?

Maybe not a subtree since it is one vehicle, but even then, look at the roundel under the pilot of this F-15SA

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The addition of R-77-1 would not require the AIM-120C.


they are counterparts to each other. if you really want to be specific, R-77-1 is most direct counterpart to the AIM-120D but for WT purposes the C-5 will work

Itd be the best short-medium range missile in-game and the roughly the 3rd best at long range, being nearly equivalent to a MICA at short(dogfight) range, superior to a MICA at medium (sub 20km) range, and roughly equivalent to a PL-12 at long range if the charts still hold true.

That would make it the new best missile in-game, hands down.

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It would if they were properly modeled.

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Not even remotely, at short to medium ranges the MICA takes the cake because it can be fired so far off boresight and still guarantee a kill. Ideally they’d allow the RWR to give weapons grade inertial mid-course information to launch at targets 90 degrees or more left or right of the launcher.

Scary dealing with M2K, Rafale because they just launch missiles at you without ever giving you any indication that they’re aware of your existence.

When you compare both missiles solely with each other compared to how we know Gaijin will configure them, they are counterparts to each other. But then again, it doesn’t mean the addition of R-77-1 necessitates AIM-120C.


Also, at long range at high altitude, the loft configuration of the R-77-1 has it beating every other missile in-game.

Does R-77-1 necessitate AIM-120C? I would say no. You have to consider the airframes, radar, countermeasure amounts, and many other factors.

The Eurofighter, Rafale, F-15, all have better climb, acceleration, and overall dogfighting capability than the Su-27SM. They also generally have better radars, more countermeasures, more datalink channels, and are generally just easier to use.

The real question to ask is, “If Su-27SM has R-77-1, does it then become the best plane in-game?”

Even then, there are options to buff the AIM-120A. There are open reports that developers can action on it, such as increased maneuverability to the AIM-120A as well as increased seeker ranges in order to give the R-77-1 more run for its money again.


Unfortunately we know how the devs are, if there’s no open reports on it, then they’re unlikely to do anything about it. We’re coming up one year on the addition of the R-77 and there’s still no open reports on it currently.

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Su-35 has a decent thrust increase and variable bypass engines giving it pretty good performance.

The Su-35 will apparently feature less countermeasures than Su-27SM (96 countermeasures reduced down to 84). So while it does gain performance in some respect, there’s downsides (while few) in other aspects. But I will wait to see how the Su-35 performs once it comes into the game. Allegedly that has decreased weight over the legacy Su-27 while having increased thrust according to Fantom.

Edit: Correction, it appears Su-35 will weigh heavier than Su-27SM.