Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

It is currently in development I believe

because its impressive regardless

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Yea impresive… when you’re playing against bad players… F-15 not even trying to BVR or rather lucky that you didn’t face F-14 with Fakour-90.

probably because it wasnt the very start of the game?? why would he be trying to BVR when its 2v4? Why would I be facing fakours at that point? I think you are just unaware of context… or something


For its br it is impressive imo, even before the fm buff… Also fakours will only get unaware players tbh

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That kind of gameplay has always being a thing… But only happens when enemy team its Bad. DEFYN even have videos about it… And its not only about Su-27. . But that its not the usual gameplay you get from that plane or tier.

so 100% of the time?

such a beast currently

what is this nonsense im watching, blueside players really are sad

Did you crash after that last gun kill? lol

No got third partied by an ef and my wingman saved me ;D

then rtb and lived to tell the tale

Lol had so much fun today.

People whine about red… then when competent people play red, whole blue side leaves, funny business.

Anywho cant wait for Su-30SM!!!

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because the tail is shortened for carrier landings

Feel like we should dampen the expectations
While better avionics is good

Trust vectoring is a Mixed bag
Yes it lets you pull off Insane maneuvers at low speed but it removes alot of Forward Trust which could make the speed bleed much worse

Surely it’ll be toggle able though?

And weren’t there talks here about getting an SM with upgraded tvc engines?

Also I am all for the extra supermaneuverability considering how insane Flankers already are at low speed!

It would use the same engines as the su27sm/su34 while being heavier… so its probably gonna be mid unless the thrust vectoring gimmick is actually useful

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There is a variant of the Su-30SM that uses the AL-41, producing 2000 lb-f more thrust and being better suited for supercruise. It produces more dry thrust, has a variable bypass, and more afterburner thrust (especially dynamic) as the temp limits are greatly increased.

That of course is also the engine used on the Su-35. Without the addition of game mechanics like jamming and electronic warfare there will be few reasons to go after the Su-35 after the Su-30SM except for reduced weight…


I think instead they’ll just give it R-77-1’s are call it a day.

I don’t foresee those coming without the addition of AIM-120C-5 for example because it would simply trounce most other ordnance in the game. They should probably fix the current R-77 first and then re-evaluate such a decision.

Its already in the files, and definitely not gamebreaking like people think it will be.

From memory, I think it was a bit more reach than the AIM-120A at high altitudes, but less at low-mid altitudes, something like that.