Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Im just saying how its configured in the code it accurately represents a crossed array detector, any further inaccuracies are more broadly an IR modelling issue affecting all IR missiles

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You may be 100% correct. Because the Gripen is very hard to kill with any missile tbh.

Additionally, genuine question. Can it be the IR signature of certain aircraft such as the Gripen? Not necessarily an issue of the missile itself?

That’s something new for me, thanks.

Then B factor must be Ps=0 + bit of G of ITR

it comes from 《作战飞机效能评估》by 朱宝鎏

The way warthunder models IR signals is directly proportional to the thrustmax0 line of code of the aircraft, so light fighters with very low thrust engines will have extremely low IR signatures ingame. Its why the F-5C can flare so easily even in full reheat. The Gripen uses a F404 engine which is pretty low thrust compared to a lot of other top tier engines

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Anyway, the graph shows overall maneuverability of F-15 is quite dominating against Su-27

Can you explain in detail? my first language is not english and im not really good at it, so your words make me confused

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yeah, the residual power (it called SEP in that book) of F15 is better, the F100 engine is strong and F15C is lighter than SU27SK

Well, I am glad I got you guys discussing again. I will leave you all to it and just keep posting flanker related anomalies.

Thank you for submitting this.

Probably as insane as 6x ER and 4x 73

but the B value is too general cause it’s just mix three values together, cant show each value independently and correctly, the flight manual is much useful than B value

Maximum overload of stable disk = maximum available G of Sustained turn rate

Maximum overload of instantaneous disk plus 0.03*Residual power = about 3% of excess G of maximum insustained turn rate

This may be answer

no no no, its 3 values, Maximum overload of instantaneous disk and the 0.03*SEP are different

Hmmmm so Max ITR G + 3% of SEP?

But AFAIK Max ITR and SEP is not independent but related each other. (The more SEP = The more ITR, unless it reaches structural/lift limit)

You found the source.

In general, the Oswald coefficient is very inaccurate. In Russian literature, the so-called coefficient A, or the angle of the polar blade, is used

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This first two figures are estimations from the Chinese communities, and it’s still debatable regarding how the ‘B值’ is calculated.

Those figures come from

It’s said to be the max instantaneous g + max sustained g + SEP (probably in m/s) * 0.03 from the above Zhihu post.

Just look at this flight model , in this part of the video the only modification he has unlocked is the compressor, so a fully stock JA 39 is this oppressive.

Its just Russian bias when fully spaded SU-27 cant even get close to a stock no modification JA 39 Gripen guys, dont worrry

Just keep afterburner on and keep turning forever

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