Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Big fan of the Su-30MKI. Even India has a better Su-27 derivative than Russia.

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Would this be a Su-30SM or is this a different variant?

Given if it could carry x6 A2A missiles (#5-8 pylon) and x5 Kh-29TD or TE (#3, 4, 10-12 pylon) with a Damocles TGP (#9 pylon), it would make for a very capable platform for doing both CAS/CAP on level with something like current western aircraft ingame.

I wonder if it can carry UMPK equipped FABs

They probably won’t, can you imagine how much other players would complain if they did?

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Depends on A2G armament. Also Gaijin could do the funny and add Kazakstani Su-27 because it uses Litening targeting pod


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The Su-30SM is a later version of the Su-30MKI/MKM, that is, export variants adapted to Western weapons via the data bus…The Su-30MKI has been adapted in terms of radio communication systems, radar, aerial object recognition and a number of other auxiliary systems for use by the Russian Air Force.
At the same time, it was mass-produced from 2012 to 2018 (before the widespread introduction of the Russian import substitution program), so it retained some of the Western and Indian-made equipment…
The Su-30SM is also in service with Kazakhstan/Belarus./Of Armenia, which belong to the USSR tree…
Российские истребители пришлось оснащать импортными комплектующими

МАКС-2013 ч.9: Су-30СМ 55 черный
If we talk about the electronic stuffing of the Su-30SM, it has the concept of an “open board architecture”. This makes it possible to include new systems of domestic and foreign production into the avionics at the lowest cost. This is what determines the high versatility of the Su-30SM, which makes it possible to convert the interceptor fighter into a strike aircraft in the shortest possible time …
So that with a 100% probability it can use a Litening suspension container, like the Su-30MKI…



That should be a Russian Su-30MKI

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It should go to Turkey TT

Kazakhstan’s Su-25BM already in Soviet tree, sooo… no dice

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Israeli vehicles were added to another TTs , then hidden.

Does it matter where Kazakhstan had been put previously? Canadian and Israeli vehicles are spread across half a dozen trees, what issue does it have?

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India has what is quite possibly the bottom of the barrel Su-30 in modern standards.

True, but then there’s old reliable “The country-manufacturer” which is Russia. Realistically the only reason why Kazakh aircraft can be added to Turkey is on the basis of “Fellow turks” (which is shaky af) or if Turkey couldn’t live without Sukhoi with the gimmick of targeting pod and laser guided bombs


Damn few updates ago the 21 with those S-24 rockets and CCRP was a CAS attack menace


It’s jammed full of European/Israeli avionics, that’s a bold statement.

A few? You mean 3 years ago, right?

Su-37 got passed to the devs, how good is it?

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Is it not just a Su-27 with TVC and canards

It gets pesa radar if i’m not mistaken

Wasnt it also lighter?

Was it designed for export potential or to as a tech demonstrator for the Su-35 programme