Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

You have no clue what you are talking about the MiG-23M at the time would smoke F-5E’s in a dogfight. Prior to it coming to the game there was no good way to flare the AIM-9J and it was much harder to dodge. A 20G missile then was equivalent to a 30G missile now. They had no fuse delay.

The reason the MLD was added was because Russia was getting beaten so hard into the ground they thought it was necessary. Your recollection of that history is terrible. The MiG-23M performed poorly because it had few countermeasures and people didn’t really know how to play it. It out-rated the F-5E and smoked it in the one circle after the “fix” to the weight and thrust.

All this “well this happened” in the history of the game is irrelevant anyway - the Su-27SM should be a historically correct aircraft without double pylons and if they are going to give it the enhanced engines they should call it by the correct name and amend the other issues. This isn’t a “balancing” issue or discussion. This is purely a discussion about the Su-27.

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I remember enjoying the old flogger back in the day, i believe i played more matches with the 23M than with the MLD


Yes, because the drag mechanic in game slaughters the missile’s performance at launch. Yes it has grid-fins. Yes it’s a very drag-y missile. But at supersonic speeds, the drag coefficient shouldn’t be as strong as it is. The drag should kick in more strongly once it’s in trans-sonic and then subsonic speeds.

IIRC, the missile should have about 2.5km more effective range. Right now, it’s not worth launching at most targets past 17.5km.

But shouldn’t the Aim-120 be better if the developer changes the physics of missile drag?

That only applies really to the R-77 which does not follow the same drag curve due to the grid fins, else the AIM-120 would have to be nerfed in regards to drag to maintain the current performance for the known datapoint shots.


This is very sad to see

In fact, most premier ordnance such as AIM-54, AIM-120, R-77, R-27ER, etc would be worse in sea level shot conditions and better in high altitude conditions if they fixed drag based on atmosphere.

The R-77 stands to benefit the most because the grid fins if modelled correctly would have better drag characteristics when fired over mach 1.3 and at high altitude. It would have much improved maneuverability as well at low speeds and require less fin deflection to maneuver at higher speeds - resulting in better maneuvering drag characteristics.

  1. Not really. The AIM-120 gets it’s great performance because of it’s longer burn time and from having a sustainer.
  2. Wouldn’t matter if it did, the R-77 will benefit more than the AIM-120, and the kind of situations in which you would die to an AIM-120 will basically be the same as before.

Damn, you really like the mig-23m

I’d have had no clue lol /s

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Wow. That sounds very interesting. But how do you prove it to the developer?

We had a hard time proving to the developer that the FM of the flanker was wrong…
They configured the flanker according to the T-10 flight manual, but they didn’t trust the Su-27SK flight manual


They acknowledged the limitation and stated that the current R-77 is modified to meet specific datapoints for medium and high altitude launch configurations (likely as launched from ~0.9 mach). Thus - the missile is considerably underperforming in-game when launched from above mach speeds where it would not have to overcome the wave drag.

In short, they are aware of the limitations of the game engine and the R-77 as it is implemented is not a bug and won’t be fixed.




More weight though bro

I’d gladly take the weight if it means I get 14 missiles

It’s going to have to be a good radar to justify it. Plus you wont be able to get to altitude and speed fast enough to not get clapped by Typhoon and F-15E

Yea i also feel they severaly nerfed missiles over time be it the aim 9L Nerf

Or what I feel the most Radar missiles have terrible Speed and energy
Until you get into amraam r27er and r77 territory

R27r and aim7 are just barely outrunning the Launch aircraft only at very high altitude they have decent Speed but an aim54 will never reach beyond 100km in this game

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The F-15E isn’t called F-15E PW-229, why would the Su-27SM name change when it got this engine without any name change?

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The Su-27SM received AL-31F-M1’s in it’s second delivery batch. There’s no reason to not call it the Su-27SM, afaik.


Totally irrelevant to what is being discussed. It is my understanding that the Su-27SM’s that received the specific engine we see in the game is the Su-27SM(3), if the designation is not officially “SM3” or similar, it should at least follow the same naming system used on other fighters such as MiG-9 and MiG-9/(Late) - which is also used for the F-14.

You might say there is not an early version of the Su-27SM in-game to warrant this, but the same question could be posed towards the F-14A which has no late model in the game currently.

If they did and saw no other upgrades I was unaware and obviously makes my statement meaningless, but I have not seen a source to back that up. If they didn’t receive the engine and only the ‘SM3’ did, I’d say we need to either revert the change or correct the other missing features.