That’s incredibly depressing but unsurprising
Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection
The Su-34 does not use
DCS Su-27 still isn’t accurate, but it is much better than what we have right now.
Keep in mind that other planes such as F-15A and F-16A outright overperform in War Thunder as well, which exacerbates the issue with the Flankers.
I don’t know how incorrect the flanker in dcs is, but it’s insane to see in this video that there are several times that he isn’t even using afterburner, try doing some duel with the flanker in WT without using afterburner to see what happens, immediately you start falling from the sky
Su-34 doesn’t have any airbrake method in game, at least when engaging the airbrake function (typically “H” on the keyboard".
I love how the 10G wing rip on the F-16’s gets “fixed within a patch”, and the F-15A on dev wing rips so hard that it releases with no wing rip, and the community just has to complain, not even mention why or cite documentation.
Meanwhile we apparently have multiple hard proofs that the Su-27’s FM is incorrectly modelled, and we’re at over a year since it’s introduction now.
Su-27S changes:
Su-27SM also gets thrust changes (alongside the changes S got above):
Su-33, Su-34, J-11, and J-11A got those changes too (except for thrust).
What does “takeoff” mean?
In short, what does it mean? Performance improvement?
It not only that we have have hard proofs, but that Snail actively refuse to take them, opting out on their own stuff. Honestly, at this point, thats the point of bugreporting if Snail can make a U-turn and claim that they prefer/believe their own source or claim that your source is “marketing pitch”
Edit: Holy sh*t, I did not saw the post below
the take-off weight became 95 tons
They also increased the thrust of the engine, although it is already too high
You can’t post this shit the same day i have analytical mechanics exam lol, now i want to test everything but need to relax until this afternoon lol.
Still looking at the changes this stuff looks REALLY promising!
The Oswald coefficient is still too low
Dunno, maybe it is some set mass used when spawning a unit or on a statcard.
I don’t know that much about their FMs, but I think (guess) this value does not really do that much.
I think "FlapsPolar0"
is the wing with no flaps deployed (again, I might misremember smth), and "OswaldsEfficencyNumber"
represents how much drag the wing produces for a given amount life. The higher the value the lower produced drag (more efficient wing, i.e., less speed bleed). @Giovanex05 can explain it better than me (or you can just read the wiki for Oswald’s Efficiency Number). Here the value went up, so it should bleed a bit less energy.
I think is the base max thrust value. This is then multiplied by coefficients to determine the thrust based on alt, speed, and other parameters. So the base thrust went up a bit (for the SM).
is in "Mode5"
section is for "Throttle": 1.1"
(thrust at 110% - afterburner). So a bit higher thrust on afterburner.
Oswald in game is not actual oswald you would calculate (besides actual oswald coefficient completely changes with AoA).
0.7 increase in game files is huge. Feels like they either deactivated the Su-27’s automatic flaps and/or probably matched it for sustained turn rates in the 27sk manual indtead of the other one
Bro, I have a Lebesgue Measure on the Real Line and Fourier Analysis in like 26 hours. Hardest offering of this course by my current prof and I have like 30% of the course left to learn. I am boned, yet here I am
Do you think this they tried to give it the series 42 thrust?
It sounds great. So Su-27 wont be finally brick?
Perhaps, but the 42 series has only increased afterburner thrust
Anybody know what "AnglesMultiplierPitch2DXX"
are? These are not Instructor values, right?