Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Community Bug Reporting System new turnrate report :)


Hello :) can you say more why the developers gave such an incomprehensible answer? After all, in the manual it clearly says max 100km and in the game in x-ray it is 80km


mentioned articles




some other source:

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developers use higher probability of detection figure (lower number) I believe 100km there should be about 50% PD if its anything like MiG-23 manuals, 80km should be between 95 and 85% probability of detection (if its like the MiG-23 manuals)

I’m just talking about changing the max range in the x-ray statcard

And one more thing, shouldn’t the su27 in ussr have slightly better performance than the one in the Chinese tree since it is heavier?
Similar situation as with SMT and 9.12 ?

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Yeah having to switch between ACM and HMD ACM 10 times before getting a lock on an easy target is annoying as hell and usually results in being shot down by enemy plane :(

I thought the Su-27 would have a better radar than MiG-29 but unfortunately its as bad, with MiG-29 its at least compensated by good flight model.

it already does, but since it is so heavy 600 kg doesnty make much difference. J-11 is heavier by 600 kg in the game already i think.

And my report for making the engine thrust of J-11 same as SU-27 has been forwarded to devs already, you can check it here

so now j-11 will be a bit worse than SU-27 after this change is made

J-11 engine did not get corrected like SU-27 // // Issues

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N001 - 80-100km for RCS 3m2

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Дальность действия РЛПК в свободном пространстве и на фоне земли практически одинакова и зависит от высоты полета самолета, полусферы атаки и составляет по истребителям (σ = 3 м2):
а) при полете самолета на больших высотах:
− в ЗПС:
при атаке сверху вниз: Добн = 30 – 40 км;
Дзахв = 30 – 35 км;
при атаке снизу вверх: Добн = 50 – 55 км;
Дзахв = 45 – 50 км;
− в ППС: Добн = 80 – 100 км, Дзахв = 65 – 80 км;
б) при полете самолета на средних высотах (более 1000 м):
− в ППС: Добн = 80 – 100 км, Дзахв = 65 – 80 км;
− в ЗПС: Добн = 25 – 35 км, Дзахв = 25 – 30 км;
в) при полете самолета на малых высотах (200 м):
− в ППС: Добн = 35 – 40 км, Дзахв = 28 – 32 км;
− в ЗПС: Добн = 20 – 25 км, Дзахв = 18 – 20 км;

Source - Самолет Су-27СК. Руководство по летной эксплуатации. (Книга 1) -2004.rar (2.8 MB)

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idk, DM InterFleet

SU-27 seems to be breaking its wings too easily in any kind of NEG G move.

Does anyone have any sources about the NEG G limits of SU-27?

I have never had any aircraft break wings this easily as SU-27 in mouse aim, maybe the A-6E TRAM.

And i only had 16 minutes of Fuel, less than half

I remember seeing a number like -6G in the Forums for SU-27 today or yesterday.

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You are 100% correct I am now breaking my wings in ways not possible at update drop.

They lowered the speed limit in which you can pull alpha (even full real) to 700km and weakened the wings to boot.

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At least the loss of my my right wingtip because of Negative G provided me this Epic Gamer moment

I bet the F-16 got very mad , rightly so lol


I am surprised the R73 did not spin out going vertical like it does often.


So, they reduced the speed at which you can perform regimes of 90° angles of attack, AKA Dynamic attainment/Supermaneuvrability. With this limitation the aircraft is already so slow that you Super/Deep stall and removes all tactical use out of it.

Dev server was at 900km and was perfect as it allowed you to still maintain lift and continue to control the aircraft (what supermaneuverable aircraft are supposed to do). Now post stall recovery has been drastically reduced with the new limitation.

Additionally, I have noticed the jet has a significantly reduced turn rate at transonic and supersonic flight and rips quite easily. the F-15 dominates the supersonic regime (as it should). However, the Flanker should dominate the transonic and subsonic regime. (as it should, but does not)

GJ has reduced the Flankers performance in the entire flight envelope especially its unique performance at transonic speeds.

The best fighter currently at transonic performance is the Gripen. It is the most stable aircraft I have ever flown and the best fighter in a phone booth knife fight. Especially with 732 flares on auto deploy. The Flanker has Zero advantage over the new fighters except R27s… Which at the moment is literally a coin toss with a bunk radar and you have to sit there, and baby sit each missile anyway leaving yourself exposed. Risk is not worth the reward.


same situation with mig-29, experimental 0.85 in game 0.63

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As for the Gripen. People want to cry about the F-16 being a UFO. I have never flown a fighter so stable at high speed, keeping the tightest circles ever as the Gripen. I can fly circles around multiple Fulcrums and Flankers and bleed them out of energy just like the F-16C and EVEN keep a tighter turn radius. It is literally an RC plane FM.

All I have to do is auto deploy my 732 CM and they are not hitting me whatsoever. 5 minutes of practically being immune to IR missiles.

I am not advocating any nerfs to the Gripen, but this reduction to the Su27 is completely uncalled for.


Yeah the only thing that is going for the Su27 is the missiles and the amount
its low speed needs to be better


Also, if they want to make the Flanker a pseudo F-14 Tomcat (do not agree) fine, give us the radar for it then.


Almost like very modern computer simulations, FBW and super high end aerodynamics can create extremely well performing aircraft.