Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

It looks like a shuffled copy-paste of an f111 and an f4, nice.

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The new economy should make it easier to get the money back

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a 5.0 premium ship should do the job

with premium acc is easy to get some silver lions lol, i already did more 400k xD

  1. Estimated flight weight of the aircraft

The mass equal to the estimated take-off weight minus the least amount of fuel consumed before reaching a particular configuration or altitude
ОСТ 1 00428-81 Весовые характеристики самолета. Термины и определения / 00428 81 (

Acceleration Flanker

Just tested at test flight with all performance upgrades. The TAS for gaining energy seems to be 1100 km/h. So climbing at this TAS seems to get you the best sustained climb rate.

The test was conducted this way:

Level flight acceleration at max power, taking times to increase every 100km/h in TAS, then converting to variation in kinetic energy per mass per time. Fuel was fixed at 30min, not consuming.

Note: the small variations instead of a “smooth” curve are probably due to the timing errors (did it manually pausing the recordings and taking time in seconds/miliseconds).

Maybe another practical graph would be the time to increase speed in 50km/h increments:
Time to accelerate Flanker

Need a loan?

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DAMN, give me just 2m and im happy lmao

İs it possible to tell us why J-11 gets more thrust from engines compared to SU-27 at low speed despite being the same plane with EXACTLY SAME ENGİNES?

war thunder reddit is well known for hating Soviet stuff and shouting Russian bias at everything, but when a post like this has over 900 upvotes, I think it’s fair to say that everyone agrees that the su27’s FM is horrible


the radar is completely wonky funky janky as well, cant lock headon targets coming at you at 5km altitude, lol. acm is broken and doesnt work half the time as well.


bro i keep locking chafs for some reason with my damn PD radar

How is it horrible? If it is underperforming it is necessary to prove it and report. “Not liking” the FM means nothing.

From what i have gathered, it is underperforming in medium/low speeds compared to real life. That is all i know.

The FM of SU-27 in DEV SERVER, THE FM WITH 0.61 Oswald Efficiency seems to have been the better FM


Let’s see the data you gathered.

It is what i read on forums by people sharing stuff, i have not gathered any data in books sense, only what i have read on forums. This is why i have not made any concrete comment, i only said “from what i have gathered”.

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Yeah, because few people are actually testing and comparing FM to real life charts. Nothing will be accomplished without actual data. We need people to bring the documents and to test it ingame and then we can start talking about it. For now, “feels underperforming” means absolutely nothing.

Yes, i never said i listened to the comments without data backing it up

Just did a quick test, 20 min fuel, 2 r73, 2r27et, 300m altitude, air RB, using S key to command elevator

Video: Video Upload & Annotation - Gemoo

TAS deg/s 180° turn final TAS peak G
700km/h 23,5 415km/h 10,18
800km/h 23,6 470km/h 12,1
900km/h 23,7 480km/h 13,5
1000km/h 24 620km/h 12,2

How do we compare it to the chart below?