Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

yes the missile rarely works at dogfights, when it works its amazing but it usually loses its mind.


currently testing Su-27 STR in
this config:




So I found the Su-27 to perform accurately for the most part, only somewhat underperformance was at lower speed rating where the difference was like .3g or a half a degree per second difference, if anyone wants to make a report go ahead though honestly seems fine. However what I will say is the manual specifies 2 R-27 and 2 R-73 and both my test and the devs testing was clean config so maybe that has more of an impact I just didnt include it because the devs used a clean aircraft and maybe there’s a reason they do it that way




4 missiles will probably affect the performance by a considerable margin and if clean ingame it’s performing the same as if it had 2xR27s + 2XR73s i believe there’s something wrong, it’s sad that the manual doesn’t have info on the aircraft without missiles. Anyways, thanks for the test mate.


These 4 missiles would add considerable weight to the plane, I think it would impact the performance even more

@MiG_23M you’re more experienced in this area of bug reporting than I, what are your thoughts worth a report or nah?

We need clarification on the testing configuration, but if it’s underperforming when clean against a chart showing it should be carrying missiles I’d usually consider that a bad thing.

Especially if it has less weight than indicated in the chart.


What do you mean?

According to devs its fuel mass is 2500kg in that config so assuming we gun and ammo which is what I assume devs used to get to the 18920kg number, the clean config I used is identical to the config devs tested, so only thing missing should be the missiles and their launchers

It’s a ‘flapless wing’ … Oswald efficiency number was probably too high for this type. I could compare it to others but no point really.

Don’t worry about the performance it’s being looked at this weekend. Flight model devs also seem to have quick turn around times on reports.

Missiles incur a pretty decent drag penalty and shift CoG irl. This SHOULD cause the aircraft to require different pitch trim to sustain a turn since it’s unstable… Results will vary.

We will need clarification as I said, but if what you said is true it appears to underperform.

I dont have the plane yet so I cant test with missiles yet to see how large the difference but it does appear to underperform in that case then

You definitely need 4 rockets 2R-27R,2 R-73

It appears the F-15’s over performance has been brought back down. It’s noticeably less maneuverable today. As well as a changelog was posted describing the decrease in performance. So everyone can calm down about the F-15 being a problem.


Give us time to look at the datamine, maybe you’re looking at Oshidas changelog?

I just submitted a report last night on it.

Nope brand new changelog this morning it feels considerably harder to turn compared to yesterday. Could be placebo but feels less maneuverable. Update - Updates - Game - War Thunder

I should say I don’t know if it is still over performing at this point it just definitely has been brought down a bit

No FM changes to F-15 in, must be an error.


Placebo it is then. presumably a change coming down the pipe then.

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I had the same thing happen to me this morning , placebo effect. We’re only human after all :)

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Wow tried it with full real controls / stick /pedals just a moment ago.

Tis is the most unstable aircraft I have ever tried/seen in full real control

It might be the first aircraft in which I use dampening mode more than manual control when not fighting.

İt is especially unstable the lower your speed becomes

Yeah my only issue with it is that it’s so goddamn unstable at low speed haha, easily flip yourself out of the air without meaning to