Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

There is no limit IRL. Gaijin just plastered the same 10 km limit that is on the vertical ACM.


I’m not sure if it’s just my impression, but the FM of the Flanker on the dev server seems better. I can pull 14~15 Gs in turns there (with normal Mouse Aim Controls), but not on the live server, even with the same fuel and payload settings. How could this be explained?

The HMD buff will be most useful with carrying and using 4 ERs, like other people said the R-77 struggles at hitting people from 10km in the slightest of cranks on deck, nevermind 20km

Placebo maybe? I just tested the dev vs live Flanker and they pull about the same.

Yeah, no changes to the FM in the datamine.


Happens every update. People think it changed lmao


this game is making me crazy


If the dev Su-27SM can carry 12 missiles, does that mean the Su-27SM3 will be able to mount 14 missiles due to additional pylons on the wings? It would be extremely funny if this was the case.

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That is if Gaijin will give double racks for SM3 as well

That is if the SM3 will be a separate vehicle at all. An upgrade this small (2 more pylons, stronger engines) makes more sense to just be baked into the existing vehicle similar to how the MiG-29SMT was changed from the 9-17 to the 9-19 (better RWR, more fuel-efficient engines) shortly after release, especially considering its lackluster performance.

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It was changed from 9-19 to 9-19R, adding only better RWR and more cms

True, but again it runs into if Snail considers Su-27SM performance so bad that it would require such drastic change (of the existing vehicle). Not to mention it would create noticeable gap in performance between Su-27 and, hypothetical, SM3

A pair of pylons and slightly better engines is hardly a drastic change, and the gap between the MiG-29 (9-13) and MiG-29SMT is FAR bigger regardless. In that gap, the plane gets not only gets ARHs and a good RWR (which are the only things separating the Su-27 from the Su-27SM), but also R-73s (the Su-27 already has them so no upgrade there), twice the countermeasures and an actually good radar (neither the Su-27SM nor SM3 get one).

Yeah, I suppose its fair. Im just stopping more on engine parts since it will directly impact flight performance (even more so if Snail bother to fix/improve the FM)

The engines is precisely why I want it to happen, they can skip the pylons for all I care, it’s not like the plane’s issue is the number of missiles it can carry. If the FMs ever get fixed, the better engines would provide a substantial improvement to its flight performance compared to the base Su-27 (which itself would be no slouch once fixed).


This week is our last hope for any relevant fm changes, after that we can only cope till the next update…

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it has been a month since the report was made and nothing, the devs are just pretending it doesn’t exist lmao


Decided to file in Russian this time. Quick summary of the bug:
Contacts are incorrectly displayed on the IRST screen. They are shown with relation to the elevation from the aircraft, irrespective of its pitch angle. The scan zone, however, is shown with relation to the vertical angle from the longitudinal axis of the aircraft. So, oftentimes, contacts will be displayed above or below the scan zone on your IRST screen.

Here is a pic of this:


What was changed in regards to Russian radars? Seems like scan times were increased? I can’t check right now

As far as I know only SU35S carries 14 missiles, SM3 still has 12 but I can’t find much information on Google.