Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

It was first posted on the Rumor Round-Up and Discussion if i’m not wrong, a bit after Dev was updated, to be sure it’s better to wait for the Dataminers to do a full post of the stuff they found



12 missiles + 20km HMD for the Su-27SM is a very nice buff wow

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Wait it gets 20km HMD?

Yes sir. N019, Zhuks, N001/vep gets 20km HMD. So all the MiG-29s, Yak-141s, All Su-27s.


It’s only for balance or historical buff?

I dont know if its historical but its a nice change

Yeah it is but i am still mad about that FM


They must have changed it as the initial SU-27 still had 10km hmd when I tested it earlier.

I think you were looking at ACM PD not HMD PD.

No, I was testing the SM and normal 27 back to back after i noticed the SM had a 20km HMD.

Only SM has that improved hmd?

Base Flanker as well.

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No, they both have it now, but it wasn’t that way earlier.

Now i have even more question, like why? Gaijin has any sources why they buffed it?

They also must have messed with the FM too, as earlier i was able to pull 12gs above mach and bleed speed a lot quicker, but now it barely holds 10gs and can comfortably stay above mach while pulling.


Range limit isn’t really a thing irl… It’s pretty much just a lock like you would do from search mode


For reference, I was in the dev server about 15 minutes after it opened and tested everything I wanted within the first hour.

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