Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

its the instructor that needs fixing mostly

Still only 2 of the actual 4 DL channels.

But it doesn’t really matter I guess since the R77 is nigh-useless past pitbull range.

The SU27SM didn’t need more missiles. It needed a usable radar and a FM that at least tries to replicate the real SU27.


it does not have 4 DL channels, manufacturer website for N001VEP states that it has 1 and can be upgraded to 2

It is supposedly getting 20 km HMS, together with MiG-29SMT and Yak-141.

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A welcome change

Maybe they can do something about the flight instructor?


Technically, it should not have a limit (as far as I am able to discern), but it is way better that the 10 km and brings it on par with other aircraft, so, hey, I’ll gladly take it.

The IRST seems to be back to be capable of being slewed (hope the IRST interface changes, otherwise, the displayed scan zone will be tiny). The scan speeds are back to real values (5 seconds for wide scan).
It is also not stabilized. I don’t know if it is realistic, but it will help with it missing targets.
No changes to the IRST detection ranges, yet, however.


Yep, LMAO, can’t see shit.


The main difference between the Su-27SM3 and the Su-27SM is its adaptation to a new generation of ground-based aircraft.aviation ASUS, as well as new equipment for data exchange and transmission,9 fully compatible, for example, with the equipment of A-50U/Su-35S aircraft)…that is, the Su-27SM3 can work according to information received from the Radar and Su-35S systems…


2.The R-77-1 missile was added to the Su-27SM3 armament, respectively, the antenna, transmitter and data transmission channel of Radar radio correction were upgraded for the use of this missile at increased ranges…
3.Su-27SM2 is the unofficial name of the Su-27SM put into service by 22 IAP during the period (November 2007-2009)…These aircraft also have an intermediate version of the cockpit equipment (Su-27SM/Su-27SM3) and AL-31F-M1 engines (AL-31F series 42)…


This isn’t the case at all.

All Su-27SM used R-77-1, old R-77 wasn’t used in RUAF.


When was the R77-1 released ?

In 2000s.

The R-77-1 missile was put into service in 2010…Tests in the Su-27SM3 were completed in 2011…Serial production began in 2013…
1.If you find a photo of a Su-27 CM with R-77-1 missiles, it will be a “bomb”…
The first Su-27SM were transferred to the Air Force in December 2003…




2015 first mass production of 77-1

Did they add 2 more hardpoints? I’m missing the deal here

same hardpoints, but you can mount 2 R-77

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Two of the hardpoints are permitted to equip a double-rack of R-77s.

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is this for real?

i hope it is


What nonsense. Instead of fixing the rocket and FM. They add something that has never been and cannot be


But why as far i know double rack was only for Su-35S or BM, is that stupid way to buff Su-27SM performance?