Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

No, just fix the FM.

Because, sooner or later models with better radars will come, so I can live with a bad radar until then.

But if they don’t fix the FM, every new SU will have similar garbage FM, since they will be SU-27 derivatives


I believe there’s a chance of these planes being modified on the next devserver, usually the game recieves significant changes during new updates.

What makes me a bit hopeful is exactly what you said about “modern flankers being derivatives of the su-27”, it’s actually like that for almost every 4th gen fighter. I have a glimpse of hope that these planes will be corrected in the near future because the devs will just have to work with them all the time given the amount of variants they have.


Proper Fm should be priority no doubt.

It just both radar and fm are trash.


N001 and N019 build around same base this is why they very similar and also why RWR cannot split Su-27 and MiG-29.

I talked to the developer about this. And the R-27T/ET missile has good protection against interference.The logic block allows you to filter out false goals.But the developer said he doesn’t know how it works and won’t add it to the game.


The implementation of IR-Heads is quite mediocre

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Блок астатизма или что?

To my understanding,

The SM2 puts in the PESA radar from the Su-35

And the SM3 puts in all the other avionics from the 35, such as Thrust vectoring engines (though, it may have just been stronger engines)

And the only difference between the SM3 and Su-35 is that Su-35 is used for brand new airframes while SM3 is used for older frames upgraded to the new standard

No. SM2 doesn’t exist. SM3 just have better thrust and 2 additional hardpoints.



Can I get a source? I really love reading about Flankers.

Double rack R-77 for Su-27SM

I think the devs just gave up on the su27, the last bug report about the fm hasn’t had any updates yet

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And the loadout preset screen
It going to be fun, 8 Fox-3

Wonder if J-11A will get same the update

I saw it only at Su-35S.

Yeah but gaijin decided to add it to Su-27SM. I guess all Flankers will have it from now on.

Is adding 2 more missiles really the way Gaijin intends to fix the SU27SM? Unless the radar gets a significant buff this is nothing more than a joke.

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To be fair you would still fire R-77 hot of rails anyway and two extra Fox-3 means you can take two more R-27ER

8 worse fox-3 than F-15C which also gets 8, not enough to make the plane meta relevant

Yeah, no arguments here. As long as FM the way it is it wouldn’t get better. But hey, at least some positives!