Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

A lot of aircraft can use their own radar, or special pods, to jam enemy radars, we simply don’t have any kind of radar jamming implemented in the game.

Usually not. They accept them, but it can take anywhere from a month to more than a year for things to get fixed (if they get fixed at all). Devs tend to focus mostly on bugs that are about newly added vehicles. In this particular case, when the Su-27S came out, I was busy with school and didn’t file many bug reports (other people have done so, but there are some bugs that I knew about and nobody filed them). So I kind of missed that window of devs paying a lot of attention to new vehicles. A specific example of that is this bug. It was a couple of months since it got accepted, but there were no fixed, so I tried messaging Smin about it (it is my favourite plane, after all). The devs tried to fix it shortly after with the launch of dev server (can’t say it was Smin who nudged them, but I would like to think so). However, the fix didn’t really fix much. The IRST was still capped at 30 km (they increased that cap to 100 km in one part of the code, but not the other, so nothing really changed). They raised the all aspect lock range value from 5 km to 6 km, but it was not enough to bring it to IRL performance. I guess they were very busy with tuning the FOX-3’s that were about to drop in a few weeks, and they just kind of spent the minimum time required to fix it to get back to working on the update.

It is pretty easy to fly. Though, for some reason, I didn’t enjoy it as much and didn’t have games where I was getting a lot of kills as often. I didn’t play that many games in it, however (just a bit more than required to get all the mods that are not for ground pounding).

The SM does not have a PESA. Later version of the Flanker have it. I will probably just make life easier with more reliable TWS with a shorter scan time.

Hope so too, but I doubt it will be any time soon.


Hey, has anybody had this following issue? It does not happen on the Flanker, but I don’t know any big threads for planes which are affected, so posted here.

Looked on J-7E and it seems it comes from that CM dispensers always fires in pairs (switch to only FLARE or SHAFT, it will launch a pair), but then switched to SHAFT and FLARES it does exactly this - fires both pairs.

Now… I honestly dont remember now if before equipping SHAFT and FLARES option would change the pair to include both or not

How it was before:

  • Take only flares - 1 key press deploys 1 flare
  • Take mixed - 1 key press deploys 1 flare and 1 chaff

How it is now:

  • Take only flares - 1 key press deploys 1 flare
  • Take 30/30 - 1 key press deploys 2 flares and 2 chaff

Also, I’m curious, why do you capitalize flares and chaff, and why do you write shaft instead of chaff?

Further tested with J-7E and yes, if take 72/0 it does a single flare, but if to take, say, 71/1 and switch to only flares it does fires them in pair. Now thats weird tbh. Wouldn’t be surprised if Gaijin made the logic with new switchable flare/shaff based on old flare and shaff option with just preventing use of the other variant if it switched to just flare/shaff, but the logic is built on firing a pair (to make old flare + shaff work) and so it does exactly this. Could be a base for a bug report come to think, but I aint brave for those

As for the other thing - just highlight, nothing special. And autocorrect desperately tries to correct “shaff” for “shaft”

Edit: Tested on MiG-23ML, MiG-27M and Su-25 and they fire flares in pairs even if selected only flares. J-11 and J-11A fire a single flare if only flares selected. So it seems like it specifically those (+ unknown more) aircraft issues (unless those work correctly, but Im not knowledgeable on the matter)

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I remember seeing a report that it should have a 40° mode too?

Yes, but it is for ≥70 km. But we don’t have different modes for different ranges in game, so it will probably not be added (the 29 also has narrower scan patterns for longer ranges, but they are not in game).

Just want to say how much of a bummer it is that the SU34 was passed up.

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Damn. I was hoping for 40° just to increase it’s full refresh speed. I would 100% consider change to 60° a 20% nerf.

The radar is unusable in any competitive context at top tier sim. I’d legit consider the 10.7 Viggen radar a 2-3x improvement over current flanker radar

It’s really lackluster. I’ve been flying the AV-8B+ recently, and IMO this plane’s radar and combat performance in air to air combat far exceeds my 27SM despite being almost a full BR below it and completely lacking a datalink.


İt isn’t “mostly copy paste”

İt is literally COPY PASTE, exact copy.

Just with more range.

That’s it


SU30 should have came instead. Or at least the SM3.

But Russian bias.


some su-30 had same radar as 27SM.
SM3 is basicly 27SM with 2 more hardpoints… lol

And better engines no?


Su30SM has BARS.

But yes the SM3 is not a massive upgrade, but if USSR has to deal with 2 of the 4 actual DL channels, and the VE radar set, 2 additional hardpoints and better engines would at least compensate slightly. Because god forbid the FM is made realistic/not hampered by the flight instructor.


some sources states yes, some no

SU-30SM is SU-30SM, not just SU-30 as unknown modification
also, that might be too advanced to game, that doesnt have some of mechanical radars yet

The SU-30 is the SU-27PU. I didn’t think I’d have to specify given the numerous possible variants of the SU-30 and the fact that Russia had 5 PUs and were not renamed to SU-30 until a few years after the PU was made. The SM is the variant Russia actually uses today.

It could easily be balanced by the R-77 being trash if we’re honest.

PESA might lack of implementation then.
and lol, 77s are not worsest, theres still MICA and DERBY/DARTER

At least the darter is decent now but yeah Derby exists.

Though I’d argue the MICA and R77 are kinda on the same plane.

The PESA definitely wouldn’t be used to it’s full potential but at least it would pick up targets. The SMs radar is very, very bad. I think it’d be a good balance.