Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

??? are u drunk or something? cause i cant see where i insulted you

No, this was a combination of multiple sources to try to determine as accurately as possible how the gripen should fly but still, my point is still valid, the Gripen flight manual containing precisely how the aircraft performs is NOT available to the public, so NOBODY can say 100% whether the plane is overperforming, undeperforming or if it is accurate enough


SU-27 cant dogfight literally ANYTHING at top tier. LITERALLY, ANYTHING.

Oh wait, it CAN!

It can dogfight the Trash-29SMT (The flying brick)

(Surprise, another Russian top tier jet nerfed to oblivion and below F tier… lol)


As if dogfighting was even a thing anymore at top tier.

Does this mean MIG-29SMT is amazing as well?

Because it was universally accepted that it was beyong garbage tier.

Even the american mains on reddit pitied thing, saying it was sad dogfighting it in F-16C and winning by doing nothing.

Even aliens from mars knew how HORRIBLE it was.


If 29smt are flying brick i guess Tornado F.3 are basically entire stonehenge with wing lol

Then, the R-73 does not matter. And…

R-77 is garbage
SU-27 FM is so horrible that you die by notching and losing all energy
Radar is so horrible that i’d take the JA37C (11.3 AIRCRAFT) radar over this

literally, 0 reason to use this flying brick.


i mean, you are not wrong lol

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Then go ahead and don’t, i’ve shared my experience and that is it. Off to Pizza time.

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I already stopped playing it.

I play my F-15J and club F-4S bombers now

And grind CHINA with my J-7E, for the upcoming Chinese planes


Bro it’s a joke don’t take it seriously

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SU27SM has a very high learning curve but I am finding now that it is more than capable dealing with enemies such as the F15, F16 and Gripen.

You can out BVR the F16 and gripen with ease, and you can run circles around the F15 in a dogfight, sure you have to pick your battles but its not in a bad place right now. Just don’t get into a rate/turn fight with an F16 or Gripen when you have more than 10 minuites of fuel.

AIM120s are the easiest thing in the world to counter. What’s much harder to deal with are AIM7M and AIM9M missiles when you are expected an ARH missile.

If you are struggling with the R77s, it’s more of a skill issue, sure they have worse range than the Aim120 but they are so much more maneuverable and perfect when combined with close in HMD locks.

Just lol

Have you ever played the F-15?

You cannot run circles around the F-15 in a dogfight in SU-27

Maybe the ones you fought were stock with full load, when you were not.


source: bro trust me please

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27 wins against a 29, 9.13 and 9.12

The worst isn’t even balance to begin with, irl these planes had formidable maneuverability, ingame they are bricked… It’s frustrating to play with them and as malekith already pointed out all modern russian fighters are flanker/fulcrum variants, so It doesn’t matter if they add even the su-35 with thrust vectoring if the fm will be poorly implemented.

I gave up tbh, i don’t expect things to improve in the next months.


Speaking for myself, i don’t want even a positive or neutral winrate, i just want these jets to perform how they should. A 4th gen being worse than some 3rd gen aircraft when talking about energy retention is a huge red flag when the game is supposed to be “realistic”.


If it had insane maneuverability for this very fast loss of energy, it would be understandable.

It does not have that either.

It’s just bad for the sake of being bad


The best to do is to wait and Hope for them to fix this shit, however it could take a loooong time. Remember when i said that top tier has too many inaccuracies? the mig29 and su-27 maneuverability aren’t the only issues regarding this game, that’s why i gave up for now, too much chaos and fantasy.


MiG-29A is fine, it’s by far the most accurate 4th fen aircraft there’s in game.
The only problem it has is the instructor
Mirage 2000 and F-15C are probably accurate as well (F-15C is actually probably missing thrust at high altitude and high speed).

F-16C is slightly overperforming in rate but difference is really quite minor.

Su-27 is underperforming

The rest are all overperforming in rate, this applies to most 3rd gen aircraft as well (MiG-23ML, F4E, F4J, F5s i already tested them and are all overperforming. J7E is also very likely to be overperforming (a little higher aspect ratio wont turn an early MiG-21 into something with 4th gen performance).

F-16s (C included this time) all pull too much AoA.

And i could go on.



J7E flight performance always bothered me, it feels better than it should be.

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