Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

F-15C, F-16C, and Gripen are already nerfed to their charts.
The only over-performing F-16 airframe is the F-16A and it’s only overperforming at high speeds due to bugs with Gaijin’s “g-limiter”.

Since you say all that it takes to rinse any other aircraft, is to just get good positioning and not going into furball"

So im saying, is that if the SU-27 can be nerfed ahistorically to become beyond garbage tier, so can the F-16C and Gripen.

Since it all does not matter.


From personal experience my R73s did fine, from extremely close their IRCCM felt decent, sometimes completely ignored people spamming flares (after launch). It might be my personal opinion and experience but the aircraft felt good and i was still learning how to play top-tier since it was my first true top tier jet, stuff like J-8F was completely different.

I said that in reference to the Su-27/J-11. Since the ER1s and ET1s had so much range and speed it felt really good to put distance and pick on people that were distracted by other fights or whatever.

Well, SU-27 despite R-73 in RB would lose to literally any other top tier plane in dogfight. R-73 argument is invaiid here. The FM is that garbage.

27ER was the only real gimmick it had, and now it does not even have a SINGLE ADVANTAGE.

It is literally bottom tier of the bottom tiers among 13.7s

Oh, my bad. Let me think like gaijin




So the missile that a aircraft boasts is not supposed to be taken into account? What kind of analysis is that?

Do people still go dogfight delta wing light weight fighter with big ass planes and expected to win? even i’m not experts i still knew it’s a bad idea

they arent, especially the gripen, since there is no declassified flight manual to do the appropriate tests, stop spreading dubious information when you are not sure of the facts.

I have seen multiple people telling you that the f16s are managing to use more AoA than they should and do not suffer problems that they should suffer if they did that, that is the definition of overpeformance, but since gaijin cant fix it cause it would -break the mouse aim or because they cant make a proper fcs- for some reason, then there is nothing we can do about it.


Stop misinterpreting, and read carefully please.

I said that it does not matter when the “DOGFIGHT MISSILE” is horrible in a dogfight because the plane literally is incapable of dogfighting in RB.

It’s garbage in SB too, but at least you can pull crazy AOA for 1 time to make a silly shot.


The thing is you are more likely to f*ck up in a delta by missing your shots than with a Su-27/J-11 where you have a thrust vectoring missile that can run circles if fired correctly.

That will spin in circles if fired when you lose your speed. Doesn’t need to be fired from max gimbal limit to do this.

The missile is just coded horribly.


idk… for me the r73 at close range was something weird that i couldnt count most of the times lol


I’m not, your point of not counting the missile bc of the FM makes no sense anyway. But i digress since it seems like a lost cause to have a decent exchange without implying that one is straight up “misinterpreting”

It fails to work more often than it works.


Most of my dogfights i got kills with R73s. It is much easier to fire a missile than to align your gun with a heavy plane.

What i meant is you are judging the R-73 in a VACUUM, without considering the garbage tier horrible airframe and it’s flight model. It literally is incapable of dogfighting. You have 2-3 seconds in tail chase before GRIPEN/F-16C is FOREVER out of your R-73 gimbal limit after they start turning.


yeah, after 1 turn your plane just want to fall out of the sky lol, the r73 is the only hope, thats one of the reasons that i hated, i rather having no missiles and a great fm than that lol


Idk personally i felt like they were really useful, no matter what their true performance should be, but again i digress.

Well try to dogfight Gripen with both 27/11 or F-15 is bad idea in general for me
Gripen are smaller and lighter it not surprise it can out do 27/11 or F-15 in dogfight

Oh look, the public Gripen sustained turn rate data used to fix the Gripen.
Instead of insulting everyone for stating facts, just accept the facts like I and everyone else does.
Stop claiming all facts in the world is dubious.
Stop claiming people are wrong for saying the facts F-16s can do weird stuff at low speeds just like Su-27’s overperforming low speed performance as all aircraft in WT over-perform at low speeds.