Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

I also wouldn’t be so drastic as Malekitth… There are some issues but this doesn’t mean that Russia won’t be getting its good planes. May i remind that the Su-27 and J-11 basically dominated the last meta? Yeah grippies were annoying af if you got close, i’ll give y’all that but they lacked any sort of long range option. The R-27ER1 was and still is a monster, ofc nowadays it’s difficult to use it due to the nature of a Fox-1 missile compared to a Fox-3.

They didn’t.

Multipathing was strong, and Gripen/F-16C had the upper hand in literally everything but easily avoidable BVR “MuH jousting” (this isn’t medieval France)

The only literal advantage Su-27 had was 27ER, and that was so easily avoidable by a 5 year old flying at tree level in a F-16C, or even worse, a gripe on periodic countermeasures


I played 400 matches of J-11 and i can tell you that before fox-3s were added you could rinse everybody by flying somewhat high and go down on people. Anybody that tried BVR would get rinsed, then you had 2 ET1s that didn’t give any RWR warning and have extreme range (also doesn’t care about multipathing) whilst being pretty good in terms of flare resistance.

Oh lord this myth again.
The reason old delta wings lost so much energy is weak engines and too long of airframes.
2x 9000+kgf engines fix that issue, and future ones get even stronger.

Su-27 and F-15C still dogfight similarly.
Both have strong weapons.
It’s just that the Su-27s have lightbulbs for RWR.


That got flared by a gripen that didn’t even know it was coming, because he was periodic flaring infinitely, with engines that are cooler than a cigarette

Or the F-16C with engines cooler than a Cigar, that fired a Aim-7M and "accidentally "spoofed your “so good ET”


How about not firing a IR missile at a plane that simply puts automatic flares on since it has 600 of them? Fire the ET1 at somebody else.

They don’t even need to flare. Firing 1 random missile is all it takes.

Or flaring any other missile fired at you, will flare the ET as well.

You claiming that Su27 was meta is a joke.

The meta was İRCCM missile low level flying.

Which the Gripen did best. After that, F-16C


Idk Malekitth, it seems pretty obvious that you are exaggerating:
(second row is your Su-27)

So me, having better skill then some level 10 clueless bomber main, makes it “exaggerating”?


Buddy i’m simply saying that the plane was not that bad before Fox-3 as you’re trying to depict it.

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İt never “dominated the meta” like you claimed.

Gripen and F-16C did.

Then stop claiming BS.


sorry but they didn’t, they were certainly good platforms but that was just because of the r27er, and the r27er was only used to punish players who flew higher than the 100m (old multipath), other than that, any f16/gripen/mirage/f15 that managed to get close would win immediately or at least 80% of the time


He’s just making it all up

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Future reference, it’s just better to go from the rank to the relevant frags with snipping tool:

It’s a better KDR than his Mig-23MLD, and both are better than his F-14A which is predictable.
About as well as his F-14B which is predictable.

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From my personal experience you could rinse any other aircraft, just get positioning and don’t go furball.

Then nerf the F-15C and Gripen and F-16C into oblivion, to that of made up garbage ahistorical SU-27 flight model level, just like the way it is with SU-27, since they could just ‘‘rinse any other aircraft, just by good positioning and not going into furball’’

Do you agree?


Honestly it didn’t feel like you were so trash in close quarters in the first place since HMD + R73 is still pretty potent and can make up some of the airframe issues.

I don’t quite get your point tbh.

Joke missile vs the joke level heat produced by F-16C/GRIPEN engines. The F-5Cs of top tier. Works well only against F-15/MIG-29/SU-27. Hot planes.


i mean, my r73 couldnt even track the gripen with full afterburner on if he was using flares like a maniac, so at least against the gripen i couldnt do anything at all (but im mostly talking about when the gripen got added)