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American mains are a caricature of themselves.
Guy can’t even go 1:1 in the F-15C.


Hold on, how this relates to the topic at hand? It barely related to that thread, but the heck it doing here? (Besides trying to pull of a gotcha)

Gives you the conditions for the Cobra

It’s related to the current balance of the game and how USA mains loudly demand to be handheld at every minor inconvenience. Like removing G limiter and unrealistic AoA limits to ensure their planes perform better in War Thunder.


You missed the point

If structural G limits are extended, then the same thing should happen with fbw G limits.

The AoA limit and the fact that MiG-29 had it’s energy retention gutted in the same patch is what basically killed off the viability of USSR flight models outside of “cobra into r73 spin gambit”.


I mean, I’m in the same boat. That should have never happened. But trying to argue that the F-16 should’ve kept its G limiter is dumb.

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Theres nothing bad with keeping G-limiter, but only with non terminator pilots

I don’t disagree.

But the overall point is that US mains very loudly complained about it existing in the first place and have been very loudly complaining about anything that can challenge their supremacy in any aspect of the game.

No one cares about the G limiter, we want it to deep stall and flatspin when it should. Instead you can do a cartwheel on demand and exceed 90° AoA with no repercussions.


Do you guys also want to same thing for Mig-21/23 families, Mig-29’s or other nations vehicles, or is it something special to F-16?

Because im pretty sure most people will suffer if those mechanics implemented to the game,especially high Tier premium players.

What are you talking about? The MiG-29 stability at AoA is already somewhat realistic and so is F-15, F-14, etc. The F-16 is an exception to the rule.

These issues should only be present in full real anyway.


Was it so hard to state this from the beginning?

If thats the case then other vehicles should also recieve the same treatment, if they didnt already of course.


MiG_23M is a goober.

The F-16 shouldn’t be able to exceed it’s IRL AoA limit in the game. The Gripen already has a pseudo realistic implementation of an AoA limit.


That, i agree.

I dont know why Gaijin thought it was such a good idea to remove AOA limits on F-16’s.


What he is referring to is that, unlike other aircraft (especially not the MiG-29 that was designed to be able to do maneuvers at very high angles of attack), the F-16 has a particularly low maximum AoA under which it can fly safely.

The reason the F-16 happens to have a quite low AoA limit, if i remember correctly, is that the elevator above a certain AoA can’t do enough torque to compensante the positive momentum of the wings (F-16 is unstable), which would lead the F-16 to start pulling up non stop until the wing’s lift start’s decreasing (caused by airflow sepration) at very high AoA (we are talking 60 degrees +, where wings are basically stalled). At those high AoA the F-16 can’t keep control.
This is extremely dumbed down, thing is quite a bit more complicated, as at high AoAs F-16s (unstable aircraft in general) actually becomes stable (center of pressure moves) and a lot of other shit happens.


I have no problems with that.

He just forgot the mention that this method should be applied to full control schemes, this whole conversation could’ve been avoided if he just did that from the beginning.

He’s gonna still get shitted and complain regardless

Discussion of flight model stability or stalls is always of full real, especially in regards to reports. You’re well aware of that, no need for snobby comments.