Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

So what would be the reason for the fulcrum then ? I mean afaik it’s a stable aircraft

Ulterior motives as in “I hate this one nation in particular”.

Now this is funny

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NO. The motive is different.

It is business based.

USA is the nation of pop culture. %90 of global mass media consumption derives from USA/American culture in one way or another.

When you mention the word “fighter jet” to a clueless person in the west who has 0 interest in aviation, what do they think of? F-16, F-15.

Western players have the highest GDP per capita. Largest amount of disposable income for hobbies, like War Thunder. They pay the most.

Most players dont play every nation like some Veterans here do.

They choose 1 nation and stick to it, forever.

And guess which nation is picked the most, by the group that pays the most?


US playerbase has the lowest skill base, with the highest number of players. This low skill average is inevitable, when it is played by so many.

So what happens?

The US planes must literally be superior for these new level 20 players or casual masses to feel good and actually get kills in, for them to keep paying. Otherwise, there would be an outrage and less business from this playerbase.

Go figure the rest.


Very good choice. Most dynamic tank&air gamemode

Not a good choice when talking about fixing their own game lmao


Best, but yes, not for fixing, only for playing

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This is irrelevant. Mixed battles in RB keep team A and team B balanced, but it only muddies the water in showing nation vs nation balance. The state of simulator matches shows the sorry state of balance in the game right now.

There’s not many nations fielding domestic planes at this BR either. It’s mostly team USA planes or team Russia planes, with a spattering of some swedish and french planes too. The blatant power gap between what USA is fielding and what the 2nd largest nation is fielding is a major concern that will need to be addressed.

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Well i agree the good old days when i used to play arcade in the ps4 were the best, almost never getting upset in a match.

So they have intent to further improve the physics of the game?
I believe they do, and there’s 3 instances of evidence of their attempts in the last 2 years…


Can someone explain to me, how a DELTA WING design MIRAGE-2000 can keep energy forever at high speed turn, never losing speed

But SU-27 loses all energy in 2 turns?


At high speed the flanker definitely has some nice retention, on the other hand the M2K is completely fucked up at high speed energy retention and it seems to underperform at low speed energy retention

Su-27 actually has quite nice retention at high speeds but as soon as you dropped below Mach 1 it changes.


Now this is a level of conspiracy I was referring to. Business motives plays a part for sure, that’s why both Russia and the US gets so much premiums but that’s where it stops. The balancing scale isn’t catered to 1 nation, it never has been, its always been a swing. It would be incredibly stupid from a business standpoint to artificially hamper Russian aircraft in particular. There is no point, you will only lose players from doing so.

It’s not just the US dominating this patch, its multiple nations; US, France, Japan, Sweden, and Italy because they all get AMRAAMs (or its equivalents) on a good platform. Before this it was Sweden and Britain.

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Delta wings, especially in an unstable aircraft, do not necessarily mean poor energy retention.


I think this urban legend comes from Mig-21’s and early Mirage3 families.

People look at those underpowered delta designs and assumes all Delta variants will perform similiarly on many scenarios, however latest Delta designs such as Gripen,Mirage2K,Rafale and EFT proves otherwise.


But why cuz of limitation they made red worse and blue better than irl? What problem to make red ones better for balance?




The Mirage 2000 at high speed requires little AoA to make a turn and is negatively stable at low speeds - neutrally stable as it approaches high subsonic. This means it naturally wants to pitch and has very good transonic drag properties thanks to the optimization of wave drag in the airframe.

At low speeds the Su-27 should dominate it - which is where the Su-27 is also heavily underperforming in-game.


It’s not an urban legend, AoA for AoA the Delta design bleeds higher amounts of energy by design as airflow separates from more of the wing with less AoA … causing additional drag, turbulence, and loss of lift.


And there it is, as usual he didnt even understood a single word i tried to meant.

Thankfully im not gonna bother this time.