Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

I mean, It doesn’t really make sense from a technical standpoint, it’s not about x, y or z plane being better it’s about having the same level of accuracy for everyone, or at least try to.

MiG-29 and Su-27 are well known and loved aircraft in the aviation community, they are the symbol of former USSR and of Russia now.

I’ve seen lots of people being absolutely disgusted by the way Gaijin butchered these 2 FM.
There are some underlying issues in Gaijin way of implementing things that doesn’t help as well like the instructor, but in no way an aircraft should be that far away from what it’s looking like in real life (wether it’s underperforming or overperforming)

To add to what @Malekitth said, we will stick with those aircraft’s for some time.
And from what I understand Russian technology (Radar, RWR etc doesn’t improve as much as NATO does)

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Guess which nations planes generate the most $$$$ from people buying premium birds.

Setting aside realism for a moment, the BR system is supposed to balance planes based upon competitiveness. Planes of equivalent performance are supposed to share the same BR. If one nation’s plane has an inferior flight model, inferior missiles, inferior radar, inferior RWR, and inferior countermeasure counts, the question is why does it share the same BR as the pinnacle of american engineering 104:0 god plane?

Gaijin has just had a really bad habit of putting vehicle metrics aside and looking at their black box of internal player performance statistics, and from all appearances the average american player manages to mishandle their planes by loading them down with 7000% fuel loads, 12 million pounds of bombs, and forgetting to map the button to raise their landing gear.

I’d very much like to see the flankers upgraded to the point of being an equal to the F-15 on the battlefield. But until such a point that gaijin actually fixes the flight model and/or newer variants with better radars, the elephant in the room to me is why is Gaijin dragging their feet so much with fixing the BRs? They were quick to downtier the F-15A despite it being pretty great when not burdened with 700,000 pounds of bombs. Why wait so long to downtier the flanker when everyone knows that it doesn’t even begin to fight on level footing in its current state in both RB and Sim? Personally I’m wondering if they’re intending to give Russia the R-77-1 or even R-27EA sooner rather than later, and internal discussions on that matter might be blocking BR downtiers since they know that an upgrade might potentially be around the corner. They’ve gotta do something eventually or else soon nobody at all will be queuing for red team in sim lobbies.


I think the answer is simply that people are still posting good games in the Flanker and the percentage of experienced vs inexperienced players that are willing to stick with it will skew the stats.

70 kills and 7 deaths split between 2 Flanker players. Looks pretty impressive? And it is if you don’t see the right side of the scorecard or realize what is going on.

What is actually happening is that red team players are working together in a squad and blue team players are largely clueless noobs. One guy has 45 deaths in the game…which props to him for sticking around…but there are no players in that list that have close to a positive KD and none that are going to counter two experienced players in a voice-call who are deliberately trying to run the numbers up. Most blue team players never learn how to utilize the capabilities of their planes because the capability gap and team balance means they never really have to. And the second they get challenged…they come to the forums to ask for the F-22, Aim-174, etc.


You’re discussing gameplay balance issues regarding simulator mode right now. Air RB has red vs red and blue vs blue with random matchups and always tries to put equal number of players in squads on both teams.

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Air RB at top tier is almost entirely mixed battles.

I have not had a single game of Nato Vs Russia once.

Every single game always has USA on both sides, with a mix of other nations thrown in.

His question mentioned both RB and SB.
In SB the first Flanker only fights at very top tier.

F-15A sits below top tier and gets one or two days per cycles where it is at the top of its bracket.

By and large USA players are horrible at utilizing any advantages of their planes.


Blaming all of the balancing problems in top tier on 1 nation being loud is nearsighted and probably doesn’t help Gaijin actually fix the issues. AFAIK the issues plaguing Russian top tier right now is mainly down to Gaijin’s limitations in modelling variability.

I love TrickZZter because he wrote that I needed to do a 110-120 degree cobra at full control, although I did it at full control and only did it at ~95-100 degrees. TrickZZter marked my bug report no error
Su-27 Cobra 110-120deg bug report


You need to record with localhost values for AoA visible to see the true AoA reached by the plane and not guess based on your view from the side.

Also, I can do the 120 degree Cobra in-game. I don’t think there is a bug here.


Started from 640kph.
And more from 440kph.
Seems fine.

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But i had A LOT OF GAMES of USA vs everyone. SO USA being extra dominant top dog does affect the matchmaker in RB

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Their limitations in modelling only seem to benefit western planes… ehm F-16 would be “bricked if we did that sorry!! so we will keep it as UFO”

But only negatively affects eastern aircraft somehow.

Thus, invalid argument. Since these limitations mean “artificially buffing” F-16

But somehow nerfing MIG-29 and SU-27


I mean its all speculation. I guess you can believe your conspiracy that Gaijin for some reason hates the Flanker and the Fulcrum.

I am not saying it’s a conspiracy, it’s just how it is.

Their limitations only benefit western stuff while butchering eastern aircraft.

I am not saying this is the intention, but that it just is


It’s not a conspiracy, that is directly from the developers mouth. They stated that until they can model unstable aircraft they have chosen to allow the F-16 to heavily overperform. Likewise, they have chosen not to model the Su-27 similarly to maintain the “Cobra” capability.


I mean yeah that’s how it is. But you make it seem like Gaijin has some ulterior motives.

Maybe they do maybe they don’t, we can never know. But my assumption is that they do.

But they have shown 0 effort to fix the imbalance and inaccuracies regarding eastern aircraft, they instead keep butchering them

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Of course they do, they think this is best for the gameplay but they would know better if they actually played their own game. Most of the devs only play arcade.


Who knows. Knowing Gaijin they sometimes unfortunately take forever to try and fix something.