Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

It’s not nation sided. For the most part atleast. I don’t know how people accept this level of quality and double standard, the whole update is rushed and gaijin has no transparency. Lots of bug reports: Ignored. Vehicles and missiles artificially nerfed, and they dare to claim the want realism. Top tier air&ground is nearly unplayable after this update.

They are the embodiment of the saying: 1 step forward, 2 backwards.
Or in this case: 1 step to the side, 3 backwards.

The roadmap they made, I remember saying to my friend about the last improvements on that list, saying how they will find some bullshit reason to not do them. Funny how predictable they are.

It really is futile at this point to except something good when they try their best to make the worst happen. Sadly the community of today seems to be completely brainrot that thinks russian bias and other such shit is the culprit behind all. Last time when there was backlash, we saw their true face.

No sleep rant over.


Yes, that’s how capitalism works


Each day it becomes harder and harder to accept their pathetic behavior


I wish war thunder had a direct competitor


I agree 100% with this here, most people looked at the su27 and saw 6 r27er + 4r73 and said = op, f15 bad
but now what is happening again is that the f15 will keep overperforming and the su27 will be rubbish, the only good thing will be the missiles, people will spend months trying to fix the su27 and it still won’t be as good as it should be and the f15 will continue to overperform as it was in the case with the mig29/f16 where people spent several months trying to fix the mig29 but the f16 still continues to fly like a ufo,


if you think the Su-27 is rubbish it might be the player behind the joystick

what I think is that you don’t know how to read and you also clearly didn’t see the nerfs coming to the su27

“it only has the absolute best weapons load, and not the absolute best flight performance as well, woe is me”

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It’s Very good for the Air RB meta, Just like the fulcrum was, but that’s not the issue. RN they are nerfing its FM and the f15 one got overbuffed, it’s unrealistic.


This is more than the su27 and mig29. They do the same shit with the new leopard 2a7 and other tanks

we are talking about the fm, not the weapons, yes the weapons are great, the fm isnt going to be cause gaijin doesnt want that for some reason

Don’t bother continuing to feed the trolls.

Sidenote, they (devs) simply over-corrected the FM because my last report was not so in-depth as my new one;

The F-15 will be significantly nerfed as it is currently significantly overperforming. No big deal.
I am tired now, I will continue reports on planes tomorrow… Gripen has a lot of work left to fix…


Thank God

it’s pretty obvious why they don’t, because having one plane that out-everythings all other planes in the game means no one else is going to play any other plane
when the F-14A was outperforming everything in every way it became basically the only plane you saw

thats more like american main skill issue that cant fly low to avoid any radar missile.
also, is that you with negative KD per battle in your f16? Don’t try to talk -might be the player behind the joystick- when you don’t even have any experience playing top tier lol im pretty average but at least i play top tier.


If the plane Will cause trouble to the point of needing unrealistic nerfs to keep the game balanced then It shouldn’t be added, simple.

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why do single nation mains make such nonsense posts as this?

then we are SOL because it was added

My last Hope on war thunder top tier is the fox3s missiles, i strongly believe that when they add both amraams and r77 they’ll fix a Lot of fms that are overperforming

yeah sorry for that, it was my last message to him lol