Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

You only see the cover.Not knowing how they work,

Canard control consists of two signals, not one

Someones worldview is limited to a boring mode.

Your “proof” is a control surface check on the ground not tied to any flight conditions? And you claim that I don’t know how they work?? I literally interviewed Sukhoi engineers at an air show in 2014 to ask about canard usage. Your ignorance warrants no further replies.

Look carefully at the stabilizer and the canard 2:28. Well done for interviewing.And I’ve worked for them for a long time and I know how and what works

Just a question here, is the Su-30 coming still this year a possibility?

If you’re talking about DCS, then no FM is not ready yet

What version? There are a lot of them, with different characteristics.

Talkin about War thunder

30SM variant

You don’t play top tier, and you argue about top tier, make it make sense.


Ha-ha, how funny.
Game is not limited to worsest gamemode aka air rb.

WT He’s going to be terrible


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If you don’t play air rb then why are you arguing here??? You don’t have any sense how the su-27sm or j-11a performs, I doubt you know how the f-15c or f-16c performs. Do you have a sense of self awareness? Are you just here to troll?


Thread is not stated as rb, so, any gamemode.

not everyone has to play RB

This is you rank 8 ab game

So you’re just trolling at this point.

And you still limited, funny.

Here are your sim games

The majority of the players play rb, it is pretty much assumed it is rb.

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Finally, you found that.

Topic still not limited to rb.


It’s possible (anything is honestly), but I think we’ll see an Su-30M2 first. It’s honestly not much of an upgrade over the Su-27SM, but it would allow Gaijin to add the very similar Su-30MKK to China for very little extra work.

I also think PESA radars and thrust vectoring on aircraft might be hard for Gaijin to model, so it may take more time for aircraft with them to be added.

The Su-30M2 is a version of the Su-30MK2 for the Russian Air is unified in terms of equipment composition with the Su-27SM3…