Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

that’s a big difference

I don’t think the regular Su-27 and regular MiG-29 can make use of data link…

The problem is you are basing your opinion on this from BVR duels with people in your discord. Their average skill level is significantly higher than what is found in a random EC match, and the enviornment it is being conducted in is vastly different. You are able to make assumptions about what your opponent is doing because you know each other are the only threats, and you know both are trying to force a BVR engagement. In a random EC you cannot make those same assumptions with nearly the same degree of certainty, and the F-15 or F-16 in space is on average more likely to be an F-4S zomber that ground his way to top tier. Yes you have to use tactics to make up for shortfalls in your aircraft, but that is the same as every other fighter in the game back to the Spitfire vs Bf-109. And as you said, assuming both are fully understanding of BVR and unhampered by a 3rd party, it ends up reaching the merge anyway! In my opinion this is the proper flow and how this should play out. Both sides must avoid making mistakes the entire time to get to that point.

This has gone on and nothing has changed. No one is going to agree here. Focus instead on the issue that spurred the argument in the first place.


There is no way it is the same. I played the J-11a, which has the N001 radar (the same as the Su-27 and J-11). If someone notches my radar, I don’t see them on the TWS or any other radar mode. When compared to F-15 or F-16, they need to notch and chaff, and they still appear on the radar. It is night and day.

I can record this if you really want to see it

I am not judging it purely based on just that. I don’t expect the average player to understand exactly how/when/whys of BvR nonsense but at the same time most players will get better at some point.

None of the clips that were shown are anything that really showcases the ability of the R-27ER. It’s the equivalent of someone launching 6 Aim-54s and getting kills when the missile was bad. Once you pass a bare minimum threshold of competency…that tactic was not decisive.

The whole efficacy of the tactic relies on the player in the much better vehicle being bad. It’s like saying that F4E vs MiG-23MLD wasn’t that bad because the F4E player could just reverse bad MiG-23 players.

The point I am making is that even a moderately skilled player will perform the same or better than a more highly skilled player because of the equipment. Just because I can win a dogfight against some absolute bellend in sim in the F4F ICE doesn’t change the fact that it is inferior to the F-16C and F-15C in every appreciable way.


I’m doing better in SU-11 without than I do in F-16C with AIM-120 currently.

If you have to rely on the enemy player being a terrible pilot to win, it means the vehicles aren’t balanced between each other.

I’m currently playing the FGR2 and the Squadron Sea Harrier in Air RB. I’ve clowned on F4S and MLD with the Harrier by using the VTOL, and clowned on a significant number of F-14, F-15A and F-16 with the FGR2. None of this should happen if my opponent had two braincells connected. I also shouldn’t meet those planes at all with this clownmobile of an aircraft strapped with 4 skyflashes and 4 Aim9G if the game was remotely balanced.

Spitfire vs Bf109 doesn’t rely on the enemy pilot being a lobotomite. It relies on using each planes to their strenght and outflying their opponent. It’s a test of skill between pilots using relatively equal machinery. As opposed to the current top tier gameplay where you have to actively hope your opponent is a complete idiot because his plane is inherently superior.

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There was never a need to nerf R-73.
R-27ER was simply not necessary.
I’d still prefer if the 80s MiG-29s had their 80s R27R/T & R-73 loadout only. Including MiG-29G.


29G might be just different from others, theres no point to copypaste 9-12 that in tt already.
And R-27E can be difference

Can y’all drop this

Of course the planes aren’t perfectly balanced, one has 10 missiles and worse performance. Make it work.

In the meantime we can try to correct the performance.


Mig is right guys we already complained 293829924728 times about it, it’s not perfectly balanced with the western planes and it won’t ever be because gaijin made poor choices when picking the variants for the last update. Let’s try to improve what can be improved and cope with the su27sm until Russia gets a better variant with better radar and fox3s.


Assymetric balance is perfectly possible to achieve. What we have here is a plane that’s straight up inferior to everything is faces at the same BR. Reading people constantly makes excuses about the state of the game is infuriating.

And the thing is, it could be much better. Even without moving to different version of the plane, fixing the damn energy retention issues and slapping R-77-1 on the thing would already greatly improve things.

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R77-1 is much better than what we have ingame for all countries If I’m not mistaken

Not really. MICA is a much better missile than what we have in the game at the moment, it’s extremely nerfed compared to its real life performance. From a balance standpoint, it does make sense.

I’m pretty sure the Aim120A and B we have right now are closer in performance to the early C versions too.

The biggest improvement the R-77-1 get is the addition of a sustainer the R-77 completely lack.

Also keep in mind that Gaijin intentionally nerfed the seekers of every ARH. They really don’t see a problem with artificial nerfing of missiles if needed. Heck it took four different buff to the Magic 2 to get it closer to its real life performance, and they’re still not exactly accurate.


But did the sm get the r77-1 irl or just late variants?

The Su-30SM definitely. The Su-27SM should be able to carry them because it’s the same missile but improved, however the 77-1 is also much more recent. So it COULD carry them, I don’t think it DID however.

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Early C is same in everything, except fins.

Is there any reports about that?

SM was only with R-27ER at release IRL, until 2011, where 77-1 was added to loadouts

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