Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Is the modification made to the F-16 a software one or both a software and airframe modification ?

I believe it is referring to the increased area horizontal tail of the block 15+ but the document is from 1990. I’d have to go re-read the entire thing rather than scrolling through to see if it mentions what specifically was modified. The software modifications were just to the FCS to remove AoA and then later pitch rate limiting.

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I see, I see, you posted the source so I’ll take a look. Thanks !

Hopefully we can all make USSR aircraft better, seems like we have new sources from what MiG_23M posted and everyone seems willing to improve the Su-27 !


I hope so, having a better fm would make me very happy, it matters a lot to me.

I’m optimistic :)


I can also show multiple cases where AMRAAM beats an ER but it’s entirely pointless if the player on the other end of it is of a much lower skill level.

In testing between players of roughly equal skill levels that have an understanding of BvR…the F-15C and F-16C will typically come out ahead of the Su-27. Chances are that against a competent opponents the maximum range R-27ER unless he flies into it, or you can hope that it is just enough to scare him into breaking lock of the Aim-120 before they pitbull. If both missiles are launched around 50km and at the same altitude…the Aim-120 will pitbull roughly 10 seconds before the R-27ER reaches its target.

The problem with the Su-27 and the MiG-29 is that once they are forced to break lock they have a very long time to reacquire the target. A good F-16C player will acquire you, close the distance while you are in his gimbal limit, and then point in and loft a missile at suitable max range, fire a missile, crank to gimbal limit, and then crank the other direction and loft another missile as you cross his nose, and crank to the opposite limit and while eventually dropping altitude.


This document talks about the FCS updates the F-16 recieved to improve deep stall recovery in high AoA situations. I’m not sure if it correlates to the study you found. Also yes the increased stabilizer “cured” the deep stall problem.

So am I for the Su-27, I hope MiG-29 may receive an overhaul as well, but I’m optimistic as we a lot of competent person to improve the FM of the Su-27.

Hopefully no more Blue Soviet brick




To begin with, as I said, the plane has a bad geometry in the code

I tried practicing this trick today for about a dozen matches, the main problem I run into is that my radar is blind past 45km, impressive either way

Use HPFR(HDN) search mode, it have greater range

I already am using high repetition

The difference is that you had a functional multipathing to deal with the ER, right? After making the ER useless, it was just a matter of engaging the Flanker/MiG in a dogfight, since anyone with a functional brain can just slide the mouse to one side and engage in a rate fight

I find it a big hypocrisy for those who complain about the ER when there was a mechanic that made the missile useless. Not to mention the countless times Gaijin has nerfed the lock or radar, whether it’s scanning or anything else, or the seeker of the R-27 to make the game easier against it. None of this happens against American aircraft and the AIM-120…

For me, it’s very easy to claim realism when an F-16 wins a one-circle against aircraft it would never realistically defeat. There are plenty of examples. Russian aircraft have a flight model with a MUCH larger margin of error than any other plane in the game. The most amusing and emblematic case for me was the MiG-19, a much simpler aircraft, which still took months, if not years (I don’t remember the exact dates), to finally have its flight model corrected. Such gross errors only exist in low-tier aircraft like the British Mosquito.


I never said that it’s realistic tho, that’s one of my biggest complains regarding these fighters

I know my comment is a response to yours, but a lot of the criticism is about the current situation of the game

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Fair enough. Since december 2022 i keep getting mad at war thunder because of the inconsistencies, i got gigamad when the mig29 got destroyed but still decided to give them a chance, after abusing the su-27 r27er meta for a month I completely lost interest in playing the game, i thought they were going to get things right but they didn’t. After a long time when they released the last update I played a bit with the f15c because it’s one of my favorite jets but then lost interest again.

Nowadays I spend more time in the forums than in the game itself lol


This is the su-27sm, right? The N001 radar is worst than this.

N001 radar is practically the same from my experience, the VEP just has datalink and can lock targets farther out.