Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

There was a trick to “overcome” multipath, you had to fly really high and then launch the ER, after that you’d follow the missile camera and once it came really close to the enemy you’d remove the lock and It would hit the target because of the datalink. It didn’t work everytime, but it was a nice trick

Btw this Can still be done but It’s not that relevant now that multipath got nerfed

Not really. I played a lot of Su-27/MiG-29/MiG-23ML before the multipath changes and it was fine. People don’t 100% hug the ground all the time because they won’t be able to lock anything. The Russians were especially good at capitalizing on this because of their very fast accelerating radar missiles (especially the R-24R) giving them a smaller reaction window. Also the R-24R’s seeker is in J band so that contributed to why the MiG-23ML/D/A was so dominant before.

I always hated the ER because it was a lazy excuse for gaijin to not improve the mig29, if they worked better on fixing it instead of just giving the r27er trump card the game would be a lot more balanced post Apex predators

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Same boat as you. It would’ve been much better if they gave the MiG-29 an R-73 without IRCCM or a nerfed version of it instead of the ER.

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Dude…he literally just flies straight into it for the entire duration. He doesn’t even shoot a missile back at you until the R-27ER is practically inside of his cockpit. Your missile gets a solid 26 second head-start on the guy who launches the other missiles from way behind him…and 50 seconds from your target attempts to fire.


A heartwarming true story!

Because he doesn’t know the R-27ER is already that close.

If you actually watch the replay from his perspective in sensor mode, you can see I launch an ER and he gets a split second RWR launch warning and then nothing because I let IOG guide the ER. Then I re-lock him again for a brief second and drop the lock to update the IOG because I’m unsure if the F-15C changed directions or not since I notched for a quick second. Then finally I re-lock him again and within 9 seconds the F-15C is shot down. I could’ve waited longer but since the F-15C was changing directions to deal with the friendly Su-27SM I just held the lock because he could’ve done some erratic movement to avoid the friendly Su-27SM and IOG would not have been able to keep the ER’s seeker on target which would’ve mean I could no longer guide the ER to the F-15C.

Now why did the guy behind him wait so long to launch an AMRAAM? Because no sane player is gonna launch an AMRAAM over 50km out, I’ve said this before. Beyond 50km the AMRAAM’s probability of kill is so low simply because it does not have the energy to reliably kill a target that far. So they usually wait until 45km before they launch an AMRAAM.

Also thanks for stalking my replays.

There are some some comedic additions (his last words) but the main part, it’s core is real

Timmy is a projection of yourself I presume?

No, I can grind an entire tech tree in like 1 week lmao.

It’s someone I know that isn’t as well informed as the people that are in the forums. Most people don’t know what the META is etc, and they don’t have to

I came across some nice pictures showing the regions in which aircraft would be able to perform certain post-stall maneuvers and what is important to note for energy-maneuverability.

Additionally, here is something interesting.
@MaMoran20 @BBCRF @wasa850


Here it shows the F-16 is capable of the Cobra maneuver, but cannot recover from the deep stall without some modifications.


Additionally I think this study will be useful in comparisons to the in-game Su-27’s performance.

Perhaps some of you guys would like to help me determine how we can run comparative analysis to the in-game model based off this data. @Giovanex05 @BBCRF @wasa850


Failure to adapt is a skill issue. You dont have to keep up with the forums to understand the meta. Hell, I was already doing well on the Su-27/Su-27SM before I even typed on the forums.


He makes 0 attempt to notch the missile. He doesn’t do any defensive maneuvers. Even if he does something as simple as fire a missile and crank to his gimble limit…there is a high likelihood that your missile misses. If he is constantly changing course then it is likely that the missile never even gets close to him.

Because the guy is 10km behind the guy that you launched on.

Basically the whole entire point that you are making is that the R-27ER is good because none of the people you are fighting are aware of how to defeat it. Or are just actually oblivious.

The guy that was first in the stack should have counter-fired much earlier just to force you to have to go defensive because you were at such a high altitude, and he should have cranked to gimbal limit to get his missile into pitbull range while maximizing the range that yours had to fly.


Can you guys drop this pointless discussion so we can focus on fixing the issue at the core of it?


You have 17K battles. The top tier average player that rushed to top tier that has F-16C has like less than 1000 matches.

İf the average newbie Timmy can do good in a gripen but can’t in su-27SM, it’s a sign.

Yes there’s a thing called skill ceiling, but don’t tell me “Su-27 is actually god tier” when a newbie can mash buttons in F-16 and get kills


You speak from hindsight. F-15C doesn’t know theres an ER coming. The reason why he waited so long after my 3rd lock is because he thought that was a launch from miles away like all my ER victims.

Thats part of it yeah. If people knew how to 100% defeat an AMRAAM then it wouldn’t be good, just like if people knew how to 100% defeat an ER. Assuming everyone is 100% aware in RB will result in a very passive playstyle which will likely net you very little kills doesn’t matter what nation you play.

I pre-notched to make myself an unappealing target, at that point he already lost the joust even if the F-15C manages to get an AMRAAM off because he would’ve needed to provide DL to the AMRAAM.

Look I can show you multiple cases where an ER beats an AMRAAM. I just don’t record every second of WT.

@MiG_23M is right, we both want the plane buffed anyway. This discussion is pointless now.


İf I could understand the graphs I would help. İf someone thinks it’s simple to teach the graphs, I can help. I can read graphs they are simple, I just don’t know the terminology and the methods to test


It’s a really interesting study but It’s lacking when it comes to how data were processed, especially when it comes to error bars, we don’t know if they are standard deviation or else and how statistics were.

From a purely scientific eye it bothers me (