Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Btw at what altitude do you usually launch your R-27ERs and at what range?

I find a lot of success climbing to 10-11km and lofting as high as I can against a target 65km away.

And I assume you guide it until hardlock with TWS?

No, I lock just long enough to fire and then drop the lock immediately… go back to notching. I’ll fire it at any small group of people climbing at the start of the match from 50-60km+.

I’m not thinking about it that hard, just finding a group that is together as I can always switch to the one not defending.

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My experience has been that the time difference between the two when coupled with cranking is not much different and that an Aim-120 will be pitbull around 10 seconds before the R-27ER impacts the target.

So if both sides stay hot to each other…even with cranking…you are basically forcing yourself to trade with them.

It happens when you are too low speed

In my experience the FOX-3’s chase chaff like R-60’s chase lamp.
The angry moth syndrome of these missiles gives the R-27 launcher a huge advantage. In the MiG-29SMT I can almost always just hit the chaff button 2-3 times while cranking and fool fox-3’s even at closer ranges.

The Su-27’s advantage is that most of the time I’m not even being launched on or the enemy isn’t cranking me because he doesn’t know I’ve launched anything at him.


If they try to launch an AMRAAM at the same range I launch my R-27ER, they’ll simply get too slow and get cranked. This is an example of what a slow AMRAAM looks like.


The missile is at Mach 1.32 and barely misses your plane. This is not what I would consider to be a reliable and repeatable strategy. And the missile looks like it’s launched from an AV-8 which is a subsonic platform and it’s launched from low altitude. An AMRAAM from high altitude and from a faster platform would have hit you.


The missile was actually from an F-15C flying low rushing towards us to get a closer firing distance hence why it came from below.

Anyway, here’s me in a MiG-29 destroying an F-15C in BVR:

I briefly enter the notch after firing to make myself an unappealing target which made their AMRAAM launch delayed and I immediately knew that I won the engagement hence why I recommit quickly.

Also an AMRAAM and an R-27ER will never be launched at the same time. Anyone who has used an AMRAAM knows that if its fired beyond 50km, its probability of kill will be very low since it just gets way too slow. It doesn’t matter if its active, an ER is just so much better at extreme ranges since I can fire them as far as 65-70km and be confident in their energy retention.

I have literally never seen the ER hit anything over 35km even at high altitude if they’re doing even the slightest of cranks


This doesn’t really show anything about the capabilities of the plane or the missile. The target just flies straight and doesn’t react to the missile at all. He doesn’t attempt to crank. He doesn’t attempt to counter-fire. You can see in the clip that he closes to within 40km of you and he had more than enough time to fire a missile and react to yours…he just doesn’t.


Here just for you. 65km launch, enemy F-16 cranking and diving.

Here’s with the enemy missiles enabled. You can see that his friend which is basically beside him launched an AMRAAM towards me at 45km away.

I could’ve actually gone for his friend since I would’ve had enough time to kill him and defend against his AMRAAMs had I known that a friendly Su-27SM is actually sending multiple R-77s towards the F-15C that I killed.

But go on, move the goal post again.

Lock them last minute and they won’t know it is on the way to crank. We discussed the proper utilization already.


Impact velocity was still mach 2.5 lol

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It’s not ideal guys, but it’s better than before… Think about the guys with sparrows that suffered in our hands during almost 2 years lol

That reminds me of this moment I had during the shit Sparrow era. Look at how both me and the enemy F-15A just kept missing each other with Sparrows. Been playing a bit of the F-4J and I’m happy to say the 7F is more reliable to use now.

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When Multipathing was broken.

Just flying low holding mouse still. Even level 10 bomber F-4S premiums dodging 27ER without single chaff or any tactics.

Very much suffering mmmm yes suffering

Pure sadness, i’m also glad they improved these mechanics now. Sometimes i get mad because of the FMs because it means a lot to me, but at least the game is improving overall, I know one day they’ll get things right.

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