Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

I mean the first 2 R-73s were also tracking. They are very hard to flare close range so you can reliably just throw them in dogfights.

AMRAAM out accelerates the ER by several seconds under 20km 2-4km alt

I have had somewhere between 2 to 3 K/D on basically every single soviet fighter since the 21F13 and I’m refusing to play the flanker anymore until they fix its flight model. Right now I am sitting just under 1.5 on the vanilla 27 and grinded about 140k out of the SM, granted this is heavily inflated because I’ve also played it when it first came out.

In light of this I don’t think I’m necessarily a bad pilot, but flying the flanker feels so powerless when you NEED to fly over your airfield for the first 5 minutes of the game and then go ambush whatever is left of the enemy team. That’s how big the performance discrepancy is right now between the flanker and the rest of the pack


If you are stuck in the victim mentality of “plane bad, can’t win” you simply won’t perform well.

Plane is bad, you can win however it requires the other pilot to primarily breathe through the mouth and I play to have fun, not to sweat for every single kill


I would take this with a grain of salt.

The area where the Su-27 is in terms of specific excess power and it is not a graph that is in the publicly available flight manual.

Correct specific excess power curves is also something that Gaijin has not been good at modeling at all. You can look at all of the revisions to the Mirage 2000 flight model in the past two months to see how radically it has changed and also cross reference with the EM diagram. The current flight model doesn’t bleed enough speed while pulling hard at high speeds and it bleeds too much speed while pulling hard at low speeds. And it is not even my small margins.


I didn’t have this mentality in the first few days of patch, yet i still performed bad. Is it still mentality?

In contrast I performed well in F-15C. After playing both, there is no way anyone think the plane is good.


I’ve had AT LEAST above 2KD in new top tier planes basically forever. My KD starts dropping in them once i bring them to GROUND RB or they are like bottom of top tier (F-16A vs F-16C example). But when they are released during the release patch ive always had above 2KD in basically every top tier plane.

MIG-29SMT (barely, but was doable)

Hell, i have 2.25 KD IN THE TORNADO F3, BUT 1.1 KD in the SU-27SM, just think about that for a second.


Well how many battles in the Su-27SM?

This is the best kind of tragic comedy, I don’t know if I should laugh or cry

So we should be on the same page, I’m only half paying attention and I have no issues…

@Malekitth if you’re trying to do what you know the plane can’t do, of course you will perform poorly.


I was so hyped during patch release that I bought all the performance and missile mods for it with GE. So in match 1 I had green performance stats and all missiles

I spaded the F-15C by playing, only bought talisman for it to accelerate spading.

He doesn’t have any because he’s lying. Actual test data

At 20km distance and 1km altitude the R-27ER hits the target 2 whole seconds faster than the AIM-120.

Additionally, the test assumes both targets maintain perfect head-on conditions. Notching or cranking further pushes the time in favor of the R-27ER. So much so that at 60+km distance and 10km altitude from mach 1 launch, the time to target for the R-27ER when manually lofted can be as much as 15-20 seconds sooner than the AIM-120.


Yeah that’s what I thought. Although I noticed that the ER’s hit speed drops below the others past 28km, must be because it doesn’t have much lofting compared to the others. Thankfully you can manually loft lol.

Here is R-27ER custom missile file with R-77 loft parameters.

Hit speed is well above the other missiles.

Good luck getting symmetrical launch parameters with either the F16 or 15


Their climb rates aren’t so vastly different that it would affect hit time a lot. Even if the Su-27 isn’t as good at climbing compared to the F-15, the R-27ER is just so fast that it’ll make up for the time lost and then some.

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The SM is lacking in some aspects, but it isn’t that bad. You are clearly doing something wrong.

Here are mine, for example:


I am usually around 2.5 - 3.5 K/D. I am 2.5 in the SM. And that is with a low number of battle, where half or more were with a not full missile loadout and near no performance mods. I was around 1.7 then, and raised it to 2.5 fairly quickly after performance spading it. So my K/D while spaded in that thing is probably around 2.8 - 3.0. Not that far off from other aircraft.

You only have like 62 battles in it and 59 kills. That is not enough matches for a reliable K/D if you aren’t GEing your mods. Spade it and play some more.

Asymmetrical is where its’ at. That’s why I’ll stay low and launch my lofted R-27ER at you while you’re climbing. I’ll lock you at around 30 seconds so you have maybe 10s notice maximum. All the fun.

The difference between the fox-3 and the R-27ER is that I can go to the missile POV and wait until you have insufficient time to respond to my hard lock. The FOX-3’s give you a good 15-20s head start notice that you’re under attack.

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