Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Wdym insufficient? They work fine. Sometimes I get overambitious with my launch parameters and waste them but thats a pilot issue. They’re very flare resistant in dogfights.

Yes. I’m not against a FM buff… For the 100th time now.

Insufficient: they’re not enough or able to offset the performance imbalance with its counterparts.


Except when they don’t and randomly spin out of control. Gaijin have yet to get to grips with TVC missiles.


I’ve never had them spin out. Although I try to avoid dogfighting so I don’t know if my sample size is large enough.

They work great. The first 2 R-73s would’ve actually hit if I actually slowed down to turn harder, but I tried my best to save speed because I was going vertical. All R-73s actually ignored flares.

Works well ≠ sufficient.

I was fighting the F-16AM, probably the second best FM in top tier. Obviously if the F-16 was a bit more skilled maybe the tides would’ve turned but the Su-27 did well to keep up with the help of HOBS.

Depends on fuel, but Su-27 is nearly to be on pair with MLU/Blk15

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Problem is that you can achieve such results by using different variables like @Malekitth explained:

To achieve a more realistic approach, it would be wise to make a setup on which It has a similar energy retention to the video while matching the graphs.

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Well, videos not best, better to fully use manual.
Some manuals have angle/speed graph(or smth like that) and you can use them to so aome test by:

“The graph of the angle versus speed should show whether the plane can make a steady turn at a given speed; if the angle is greater, then the plane will lose speed. If you are unable to repeat the established turn at a certain angle and speed due to the braking of the plane, then this is bug”

Stated by another bugreporter


«Активный поиск» - следующее крупное обновление игры (часть 1) - #9938 от пользователя skultew1234 - Обсуждение игры - War Thunder — официальный форум

My brother in Snail, this is what I mean by unsustainable; you shouldn’t rely on your opponents being mongs and your Archers “ignoring flares” (his afterburner was visible in that last launch) for the sake of keeping up.


That’s true, problem is that afaik the manuals don’t specifically say how much aoa these planes keep pulling to sustain such speeds, the video plays an important role on filling that gap to discover its actual energy retention.

The problem also is not entirely because of oswald coefficient, like @Giovanex05 said, these planes in Air RB pull too much to be efficient in 2c and energy retention in general, at least with the current fm setup they have.


Well, rb controlls feels drunk, for any plane
F-15 have same type of issues in climb

Considering video as source might be very bad, you always can speed up video and make some funny things, like a sect of ppl who think that T-90M have -15 reverse speed IRL.

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True and that made me skeptical at First, but we have the og video, i’ll try to find it and send to you just a sec

Videos still can be speed up/slowed/etc

Nvm it’s on squishface video description:

Imo it’s not edited unless the russian pilot wanted to troll us lmao

Btw I agree that it’s kinda bad to use this video as the only source, the issue is that it’s all we have regarding that matter… The soviets 40 years Ago couldn’t think that a bunch of nerds would be discussing their planes for gaming purposes lol

This is complete nonsense, since the coefficient can be taken linear

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To begin with, he should make the correct geometry.And only then change Oswald

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G=1/cos bank angle


Ny Su-27

Speed Bank Angle
300 67.5
350 70.5
400 73
450 76
500 77.5
550 79
600 81
650 81.5
700 82
750 83

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It is something that is important to a lot of people, in the context of the game it doesn’t have that big of an impact at Top tier and there are other issues that should be taken care of first.

Still some FM hinder performance of the aircraft overall, a 29 with more energy retention could be more dangerous in BVR since it doesn’t lose as much energy etc.

I am for better FM regarding Top tier, (I myself am the first one being upset by shitty FM, and would love to see FM of the Su-27 and MiG-29 tweaked or improved as they should, even if it means a BR increase.

FM issues shouldn’t take the spotlight of issues that are more important in most cases.