Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

EXACTLY, that’s what i’m trying to say, If the fm matters so little why chose to keep an inaccurate one If it won’t change the meta?


No one is against a FM buff. Just that people calling the Su-27SM garbage are over exaggerating.


Lets just all collectively agree that the plane fits the meta but that we also want not just a balanced game but also a realistic one.

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Accurate… some ppl complained about oswald number, but one of bug reporters stated that it will be worser with full implementation of changable oswald number

It garbager than it should be. Unnecessarily garbage-like. Too garbagesque.


Then they should rework the way they setup their stuff because there’s an actual video of a real su-27 being compared to the wt one showing that ingame It bleeds 2x more energy than irl


Again, not against a FM buff. But the Su-27SM is not garbage. Even when dogfighting it does fine because of the R-73.

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This video should be watched by every war thunder top tier player


Maybe, but might became worser in any other aspect

I disagree, with the aoa It pulls + correct energy retention It would be amazing for dogfighting.

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I see that my attempt at humour went unnoticed :(

Having to rely on HOBS missiles is not sustainable, though. R-73s do not a good dogfighter make.


Wdym not sustainable?

Su-27 made into sustained turn graph by oswald and other parts of FM, increasing one will decrease other, in order to keep sustained turn rate accurate

You can run out of missiles rather quickly or not have enough on you for whatever reason.

The Eagle (direct counterpart) isn’t forced to rely on its kit, and neither should the Flanker.


Once other nations get HOBS missiles, the current Su-27/MiG-29’s sole singular advantage in a dogfight evaporates. A proper FM would futureproof them against AIM-9Xs, MICA-IRs and the like.

But you know, even if it somehow becomes worse (which I think it won’t), at least it’ll be closer to what it really should be.

When @MiG_23M and @Giovanex05 were testing the mig29 back in 2023 I was inclined to accept that the plane was garbage and that everything we heard about it was propaganda, but then the flanker came and i thought “huh kinda sus that both Sukhoi and Mikoyan Gurevich made shitty planes that suffer from the same issue although they had a good reputation irl”, Then I fully changed my mind when squishface released that vídeo.


You can bring 4 R-73s as the Flanker. Its more than plenty for a dogfight even if you’re spamming.

Yes. I’m not against a FM buff. I’d like to see the Flanker compete in dogfights without R-73s too.


So, what one of bugreporters stated

It’s proven to be insufficient. Also, it shouldn’t have to rely on them when it’s more than capable to go without when dogfighting IRL.

I’d also love to see it compete without Archers, as you said.